Wednesday, February 18, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!! - Chicken Chili Soup

Its been freezing here in PA and my husband is not a big Soup eater, but he called me up the other night and asked me to make this Turkey Taco Chili Soup that I would make all the time when he was coaching football at Penn State. So I sent him to the grocery store with a list of the foods / things I needed to make a NEW healthier creation! However, sending a man to the grocery story is not the best choice, half the time, especially when there is more than 2 items on the list.

He came back with double of everything AND ground Chicken instead of ground Turkey. So I made the Chili with that instead of saying anything and making him feel bad.

This chili was amazing and  think I will use chicken from now on! Plus it HUSBAND approved! He loved it and ask if it can be something we have weekly! Plus its very filling!!

So how did I make it?


Tomatoes - I used grape tomatoes
1 pound of ground chicken or turkey
lime juice - squeezed from real limes 2-3
cayenne pepper
garlic powder
red peppers
chili powder
cumin powder
Black Beans - can use kidney or chick peas


First cook the ground chicken in frying pan. Once it is done cooking (I do about 15-20 minutes I like mine crispy) Then marinade it with in lime juice, garlic powder, red peppers, and Caynee pepper. Not a lot about 2-3 limes and then 1/4 = 1/2 teaspoons of each seasoning.

While chicken is cooking purée a green container (a cup) of tomatoes. I cut in half before putting them in the magic bullet.

Once chicken is cooked pour the tomatoes in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.

 Add a yellow container (1/2 cup) of black beans, a red container (3/4 cup)  of the cooked ground chicken, and seasonings - chili pwoder, garlic powder, cummin powder.

Cook on low for 20 minutes.

Add a blue container (1/4 cup) of shredded cheese or a 1/4 of a Avocado and top it off with a dollop of PLAIN Greek Yogurt!

You can not go wrong with this recipe! It was amazing!

If you are doing the 21 Day fix or the 21 Day Fix Extreme the recipe is 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 blue.

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