Thursday, February 5, 2015

How to Spice up Your Salads

Salads! How do you feel about them. I hate making them, I think the ones in the restaurant always taste better! Are they healthier in the restaurant? NO they are much worse. But what do you do?

Well I have started spicing things up with my salads. I rather save the money and the calories and not go out to eat if I can help it. So what have I been doing? And how is it fixed approve?

The salads I have been making lately have been amazing something's that I have been doing are:

1. I always use spinach so I do 1=3 cups of spinach

2. I always mix up my blue container / healthy fat - one time I will do feta cheese, the next time I will slice up 1/4 of an avocado, next time I do mozzarella cheese.

3. I mix up the veggies I put in it - I throw whatever I have in the fridge and don't think about it, So I will do any thing like tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, green peppers, red peppers, celery, etc. I try not to over load it with too many. I pick 2-3 different ones each time.

4. For my yellow container I will do roasted chick peas, organic non salted corn chips or quinoa. I never do them all at the same time. I pick one and then switch it up the next time.

5. Dressing - instead of using an orange container for my dressing, I use Cholula Mexican Hot sauce! I love it and I love things hot so this adds spice and flavor to my salad.

6. Meat - red container - I switch it up and will do ground turkey meat or grilled chicken. I am not a huge fan of meat so I stick to what I can handle . These are the only 2 I like.

These are just a few things that I have started doing to make my salads more enjoyable and better than a salad you would get at the restaurant

Here is a picture of the Salad I made last night for dinner.

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