Monday, February 23, 2015

Making Progress in the Moving Department!!!

This weekend Rich and I went back up to State College to continue to back, clean out the basement, throw things out, etc. On Friday after dinner we headed up there, thinking we were going to have to turn around that night with the winter storm warning the entire state of PA had. BUT....we kept checking the weather and knew that we would be fine if the storm was done by Saturday night.

All I can say is I am glad we didn't stay home. In State College, we might have gotten 2 inches and NO ice!! However, it was the perfect day to stay in and pack!

We got a lot done, however, we looked at each other on Sunday and said, We still have a lot more to go! YUCK!!!

I hate moving, I hate packing, I do not like this process at all! I told my husband last night that I wish I could click the back of my heels and have it all get done! Wouldn't that be NICE!!! haha Oh well, it will be easier the more and more we do it with his job. Plus, it is helping me pitch all my teaching materials that I will never use again. Oh and it helped my husband go through all his old GEAR from all the schools he coached at. I have been nagging at him to do it for years!!

This weekend was successful no matter how tiring it was. We were able to load up the Yukon with a blue chair, cleaning supplies, towels, more wedding gifts for the kitchen, and other things we needed. No bed yet, but hopefully in 2 weeks. BUT we are making progress!!! I no longer have to sit on the floor to do work! I have a table stand and a blue chair!! So I am happy girl!!!

My New Work Space

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