Wednesday, February 11, 2015

It's Offical!!! We are Moving!

Well the time has come!!! We are officially moving out of my parents house and into our own townhome. This was a goal of mine for this year. We are renting and we are moving closer to work for my husband.
Yes we got married and moved in with my parents. NOT at all ideal. But at the time with the wedding and reception and him starting his new job, we had no other choice. So now we do have the choice and I have a lot of mixed emotions about it. Good mixed emotions but still its a stressful time, when moving into a new place and taking on new finances.
1. Excited!!! I am super excited to finally get out of my parents house and have my OWN kitchen again and not have to worry about being GLUTENED from them and al their crumbs.
2. Scared! Say what?!? I have been with Rich (my husband) for almost 5 years and this will be the first time we live together alone!!! We have always had a roommate or for the past 7 months my parents. We have always had a buffer and now no one!
3. Overwhelmed - I think everyone feels this way when they are moving. All our furniture is in State College right now and we will be living out of suit cases and on an air mattress till we have the time to go up and get people to help us load and unload all our furniture. Plus all the packing from 2 different houses is overwhelming.
4. Terrified - Yes, you read that right. I am terrified that we aren't going to make it financially. I am taking off with my business but I am no where near where I want to be, to be able to contribute to more bills, and my husband took a paycut a year ago and we are now starting to feel the affects.
However, we are doing this, we are moving. Why? Because we are 39 and 31 years old. Living with my parents isn't the answer and we need to get on with our lives. We haven't had any ALONE time or Oh we are MARRIED time. So as all these emotions flood me, I am looking forward to the new chapter in our lives and excited to see what happens and we God leads us in our journey. 

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