Friday, March 30, 2018

Health and Fitness Tip #171 - 8 Foods That Are Surprisingly Good for Weight Loss

8 Foods That Are Surprisingly Good for Weight Loss

Losing weight doesn’t always have to be about deprivation and denial. In fact, it shouldn’t be. Successful, sustainable weight loss is far more attainable when you focus on the quality of food rather than the quantity. Eat wholesome, nutritious, (and even calorie-filled) foods and you’ll be far more satisfied and content on less. Many of the foods people think are off-limits when it comes to losing weight are the very foods that have the ability to actually help us reach our goal. Here are eight foods that cannot only help you reach your weight-loss goal, but help you keep it off for good.


Drink skim and stay slim? Not always so when it comes to dairy. A recent study published in the American Journal of Nutrition found that more than 18,000 women who consumed more higher-fat and whole-milk dairy products had a lower risk of being overweight.

How can this be? Some essential fatty acids are stripped when milk is skimmed — the very component that may help you feel fuller sooner and stay full longer with full fat products. Several studies have found that when people reduce the amount of fat in their diet, they tend to replace it with sugar and refined carbohydrates, which can have a worse effect on overall health.

Bottom line: Eat a variety of dairy and worry less about how much fat it contains. Limit high-sugar ice cream treats, and buy plain yogurt with no added sugars, which tend to pile up in the flavored and fruited varieties.


In addition to healthy fats, nut butters contain an impressive amount of protein and fiber, too. Peanut butter boasts a plentiful 8 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons along with 2 grams of fiber.

A study from Harvard School of Public Health found that regular nut consumption among a group of more than 51,000 women was associated with a lower risk of weight gain and obesity. A similar study in the Journal of Nutrition found that weight changed very little among people who consumed a normal versus nut-enhanced diet. In other words: Nuts and nut butters can be a healthy addition to your diet, even when trying to lose weight. Try snacking on nut butters in between meals to sustain your appetite. A 200-calorie cashew or peanut butter snack is far more satisfying and filling than say, 200 calories of crackers or pretzels.

Shopping tip: Skip the reduced-fat versions, which ironically tend to have more calories, sugar, sodium and preservatives than regular nut butter. Buy those that list nuts — and maybe a bit of salt — in the ingredient list, and use them as a way to eat more whole grains, fruits, and veggies. What’s not to love about an apple smeared in almond butter?


Pasta is surprisingly low on the glycemic index — a ranking of carbohydrates on a scale of 0 to 100, based on how quickly they raise blood-sugar levels. The lower the number, the longer it takes to digest, leaving you with a steadier source of fuel to support energy levels. Whole-grain pasta falls in the 32–37 range (about half that of white bread), while white pasta averages in the mid-40 range — still much lower than that slice of white bread. And because pasta is traditionally tossed with other wholesome foods like seafood, vegetables and olive oil, a healthy pasta meal is far from off-limits for those concerned about their weight.

Pro tip: Stick to whole-grain varieties, double up on veggies and skip the super cheesy, cream-based sauces.


Rich in high-quality protein, healthy fats and essential vitamins and minerals, eggs are a low-calorie, nutrient-dense choice when it comes to snacks and meals. At just 70 calories per egg, there’s no reason not to enjoy the entire egg, yolk and white combined. Yes, egg yolks are a source of dietary cholesterol, but recent studies now prove that dietary cholesterol has less of an effect on blood cholesterol than we once thought. The evidence says eating whole eggs in moderation is safe, and some studies even show they may aid in weight loss when eaten in place of refined carbs.

Bonus: Eggs are super cheap and cook quickly — a perfect solution for busy, time-crunched mornings. Cook your eggs in olive oil and use them as a vessel for sautéed greens and vegetables, then serve them over whole-grain toast for a complete, well-balanced, weight-conscious meal.


What most people fail to realize is that per ounce, dark meat chicken or turkey (from the leg and thigh) only has about 5 extra calories and 1g of fat more than white breast meat. The skin is where most of the fat lies — skip that on any part of the bird for a far more calorie-conscious choice. Dark meat poultry tends to be more tender, juicy and rich in flavor than white meat — requiring not only less butter and oil to cook with, but also less sauce or creamy condiments to make it palatable than breast meat. It’s a great source of lean protein that may leave you more satisfied at meal time, and less likely to overeat later.

Dark meat contains more myoglobin, an oxygen-carrying protein that gives it a gray-reddish color, as well as more iron and zinc — two immune-boosting minerals.

Portion tip: Thighs are about half the size of the breast, making them a far more portion-savvy option than today’s 9- and 10-ounce breast halves. Double bonus: They’re cheaper, too.


When it comes to weight loss, limiting liquid calories can be the key to success. Alcohol carries 7 calories per gram, which not only adds up quickly, but goes down quickly, too. But giving up our occasional cocktail at the end of a long day is non-negotiable for some.

Red wine may be more beneficial than white, according to one study from Washington State University, which found the polyphenols in red wine (including resveratrol) may even prevent obesity by aiding in metabolism. The heftiest boost of polyphenols comes from whole grapes, but wine certainly carries a portion of those benefits.

Bottom line: Alcoholic beverages won’t necessarily aid in weight loss, but they do help us relax and wind down from stressful days. In moderation, alcohol is good for the heart, too. Drink responsibly (not on an empty stomach), limit your intake and choose a 120-calorie glass of wine over sugar-loaded cocktails and carbohydrate-dense beer for better weight-loss success.


Your daily cup of joe may do more than just help you roll out of bed each morning. It stimulates the brain and nervous system, and contains antioxidants that may help improve glucose metabolism — which not only helps suppress the appetite, but also lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Caffeinated coffee may also stimulate thermogenesis, and the body’s ability to burn more fat stores, improving performance in endurance exercises like running and biking.

While the effects of coffee on weight loss are likely minimal, the overall health benefits are reason enough to enjoy a cup or two each morning as part of your daily routine. A 2014 systematic review and meta-analysis of 36 studies found those who drank their morning cups of coffee were actually at the lowest risk for heart problems.

A cup of advice: Not all coffee is created equal — most of the benefits associated with coffee are singular to black coffee — not the cream and sugar-filled coffee beverages from drive-thrus and coffee boutiques. Limit the flavored (and over-priced) lattes to a rare treat.


Just one or two bites of rich, satisfying chocolate can not only reduce stress levels, but help curb cravings for other sugar-loaded treats, too. High stress levels can lead to cortisol hormone spikes, which increase the appetite and emotional eating behaviors.

The benefits of chocolate are specific to the concentration of cocoa flavonoids, which have been shown in studies to have multiple health benefits, such as improving blood flow to the brain and reducing the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels, blood sugar and blood pressure. The higher the percentage of cacao, the greater the benefits.

Buying tip: Skip the convenience store and check-out lane chocolate bars, which contain a lot of added fats and sugars — which can counteract some of cocoa’s health benefits. Look for bars with at least 70% cacao or higher, with a short, simple ingredient list … and indulge in just an ounce or two. Eating too much will work against you.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Beauty Tip Thursday - Moisturizer

Beauty Tip Thursday: Moisturizer 

All skin needs to be moisturized. It is essential in maintaining youthful and healthy skin. The natural oils in your skin stop dehydration, but if there is too little oil the skin becomes dry and flakey. Moisturizers correct this imbalance. They attract and detect moisture and also act as a barrier against outside elements. The advanced hydrating and moisture retention process of SeneDerm with SenePlex Complex skin care system provides environmental protection while nourishing the skin.

High-grade moisturizers are a delivery system that deliver ingredients to the skin that help maintain the moisture on the skin and in the pores using humectants that binds to the skin. Moisturizers may be formulated with cosmetic grade waters and other bene cial ingredients and are only bene cial if the delivery system within the cream or lotion is effectively and properly formulated, based upon molecular weights of the ingredients. The molecular weights of ingredients determine the size of any particular ingredient. Most ingredients listed in many personal care marketing campaigns as being beneficial to skin may, in fact, not be beneficial. What the user of such concoctions does not know is that molecular weights of such ingredients make it impossible to be absorbed into the skin and therefore may be completely ineffective.

The truth is that a new, healthy cell has within and amongst its cell properties all that the skin requires to be healthy...from the bottom up. The real key to beautiful skin is simply producing more healthy cells to replace existing healthy cells.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - You will NEVER be 100% ready!!

You will never be 100% ready to change. 
Don't wait for the perfect time. It will never come. Start today!! 
So many of us use the excuse it's just not the perfect time or I want this I am just not ready, or next month will be better.
No time is the best time. There is no perfect timing to a lifestyle change. If you want the change you just have to jump! 
Jump in with both feet and don't look back! 
Change is hard. 

It's easier to make excuses and feel miserable yet comfortable then getting uncomfortable! 
Don't let your comfort level stop you.
Today is the perfect day to say....."I am in! I am going to give it a shot! I will make time. I will give it my all, whether that be 100% or only 90% at first, but darn it, I'm ready and I'm going to try!!!" 
Let's do this! 
Don't think perfect timing, think now is the time! 
You can do anything you put your mind to! 
So put your mind to that change, jump in with both feet and start going after what you want!! 
It's time to get comfortably uncomfortable!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tasty Tuesday - Ketones What?!?!

Ketones What?!?!

Y’all I would be doing a disservice to you if i didn’t tell you about this Gem of a drink I have been introduced to! 
Let s be honest, I am skeptic of most things when it comes to the health and fitness and it’s been a long time I have been doing research on this drink and a month ago I cracked down and tried it! 
Well let’s just say I am ADDICTED! Never in a million years did I think drinking something and something that actually #tastes good would not only help with my fitness but also help with my stress and my sleep!

You wonder how I can get out of bed every morning at 3 and not be dead the rest of the day? Well it was wearing on me and I wasn’t productive till this beauty! 
Now I sleep like a ROCK and my stress levels have severely #DECREASED!  
Plus I mean it has helped me break my plautue / weight gain! So that’s a double bonus!! 
Seriously if you haven’t tried this you must!! It’s not a hoax it’s the real deal! If you lack sleep or lack a good nights sleep you SERIOUSLY need this! ðŸ˜œ
Want to try a 15 Day pack or a month? Head over to to get your hands on this AMAZING drink!!!
Or if you rather try a 5 day trial pack personally email me and I will send you out a this LIFE CHANGING drink!! 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Easter Sale going on NOW till Easter Sunday!!

Easter Sale!!!

Going on NOW till Easter Sunday!! 

10% off your entire purchase PLUS a FREE Gift for you!!! 
Don't let this amazing sale pass you buy!! 
You too deserve something speicial from the Easter Bunny!! 

To place your order and recieve the discount, email me at with what you want. 
ALL orders must be paid for BY 11:59PM on April 1st!! 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Health and Fitness Tip #170 - How to Handle Hunger When You’re Trying to Lose Weight

How to Handle Hunger When You’re Trying to Lose Weight

Ever have those days when all you can think about is what you’ll eat next? We all do! When trying to cut calories for weight loss, hunger is the most common side effect. After all, your body doesn’t want to give away its energy stores without a fight.

I’m here to tell you that this is one fight that you can totally win. With a few expert strategies and a bit of planning, you can keep hunger at bay and still meet your weight goals.

Below are nine expert tips and tricks to tame your “hanger”:


If you’re trying to eat less and stay on track to meet your goals, the worst thing you can do is skip meals. Skipping a meal or waiting too long to eat leads to unplanned snacking and overeating later in the day. Vicki Shanta Retelny, RDN, recommends keeping hunger in check by eating every three hours — and having breakfast within an hour of waking.


To keep full for the long term, fiber is your secret weapon. Adding high-fiber, low-calorie foods to all your meals and snacks can help you stay fuller, longer. Stir beans into soups or fold them into eggs. Add extra veggies to casseroles, and blend greens into your smoothies. Make sure your salads are more than just greens — load them up with plenty of other fresh veggies, too. And plan ahead to be prepared. Jessica Spiro, RD, recommends prepping fresh fruit or chopped vegetables in advance for quick meals and snacks.


Foods high in water have only a few calories per gram, so you can eat more of them compared with more calorie-dense foods like nuts, cheese, meats and sweets. Water-rich foods are great for bulking up your meals and still keeping your calories low. Broth-based soups, cucumbers, celery and watermelon are all delicious, filling and hydrating, too.


Water-rich foods and long-lasting fiber are great ways to start, but it’s also important to include healthy fats and protein-rich foods. Fats keep food in your stomach longer and help you feel full, while protein tells your brain you’re satisfied and can stop eating. You can also send “full” messages to the brain with aromatic spices like ginger, turmeric, curry, chili powder and cayenne, says Alan Hirsch, MD, of the Chicago Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation.


Eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly results in a greater sense of fullness, reducing the intensity of hunger pangs. And speaking of chewing, gum can be a great antidote to ward off boredom hunger. Lindsey Pine, RD, finds that chewing on minty sugar-free gum keeps her mouth distracted. If your mouth feels fresh, you may also be less inclined to ruin that minty feeling by snacking when you’re not really hungry.


Distraction can go a long way in taking your mind off your next meal. Health coach Rebecca Clyde, RD, recommends creating a list of things to do instead of eating. She finds many people struggle to distinguish between true hunger pangs and being bored or eating for other reasons. A distraction creates a pause between the thought of food and seeking it out so you can ensure that you’re truly hungry.


Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RDN, recommends learning to use a hunger scale to rate your hunger. By evaluating your level of hunger or fullness during, after and between meals, you can make adjustments to your diet. If you’re starving by dinnertime, you may need to re-evaluate the timing, size or composition of your lunch or plan a more balanced snack in the afternoon. Getting more in tune with your body help you manage your meals better and lead to long-term weight-loss success.


Most of us don’t get the 7–8 hours of sleep each night to keep our hormones in balance and curb sugar cravings. Work on your sleep hygiene by getting to bed and waking up at the same time each night. Make sure to turn off electronics before bed, and eat dinner at least three hours before you hit the sack for the best sleep — a critical part of weight loss.


When you’re trying to lose weight, make sure to get plenty of water per day — it’s good for weight loss. It’s easy to confuse hunger pangs with thirst, as they’re both controlled by the same part of the brain, so staying hydrated is a great way to rule out being thirsty when you think you’re hungry. Lindsey Pine, RD, suggests drinking hot beverages like green tea in addition to water. Not only do warm drinks keep you hydrated, but they also gives you something to sip on for an extended period of time.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Beauty Tip Thursday - Featured Product!!

New, Limited-Edition Skyline and MidnightMuse

Our new, limited-edition Prism of Colors Collection features an ensemble of bright and bold matte shades designed to help you unleash your creativity. Within this collection are two unique and exciting blue lip colors to uproot you from your routine.

Skyline is a vibrant light blue-turquoise that adds a unique pop of color. Try wearing it with Matte Gloss on top for a modern, fashion-forward look or add a glossy sparkle with Orchid Gloss. The blue glitter in the Orchid Glosscomplements Skyline perfectly to create a beautiful lacquered look.

Midnight Muse is a deep navy blue hue that is powerful and commands respect. This bold, moody blue adds an instant edginess to your look. Gold Glitter Gloss over Midnight Muse creates a glamorous sparkle. Add a subtle purple, iridescent tint by layering Fire Opal LipSense and Opal Gloss on top.

These two shades are WOW-worthy on their own and can also be layered or mixed with other LipSense shades to create beautiful new lip colors (Think Kiss For A Cause layered with Midnight Muse for a gorgeous purple, or Plum layered with Skyline for a cool, aqua berry shade). Have fun exploring endless color combinations with our most creative collection yet!