Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - Failure, isn't a means to an end

Failure, isn't a means to an end

Failure is life trying to move you in another direction.
When you fail, don't give up! Instead learn from it. Because every experience, every encounter, and every mistake you make, is done to teach you and force you into being more of who you are. 
Failure isn't meant to make you quit! It isn't meant to make you feel ashamed! Failure is meant to teach you. It is meant to grow you and shape you into a stronger person!
Sure failure can be scary, but it's only scary if you let it be! Start looking at failure as a new direction. As Gods way of telling you to try something different. Not to give up but to rethink and try again a different way. 
Today start embracing failure as a lesson. 
Embrace it as a new path. 
Stop fearing failure today!

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