Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Motivational Wednesday - Trust and Believe

I have to be honest ... 

The athlete in me always says... 

“focus on the next win, 

Once that “game” is over , 

You train harder,  

You level up, 

And prep for the next game! “

This continual cycle, has produced endurance, drive, and determination from a young age, 

However it can become a hinderance.  

It’s hard for me to stop the “GO GO GO,” and celebrate the wins, and truly absorb ALL the things God is doing. 

I am working on it y’all! 

Can anyone else relate? 

It’s like you get in GO MODE, and just don’t stop. 

If that’s you, I get it!  You’re not alone. 

However, it’s so important for us to intentionally take time out to actually SEE what Gods Doing. 

Today has been a day of SLOW DOWN, and recognizing. 

I am wrecked by Gods love and blessings. 

For YEARS I have prayed, and cried for THIS! 

And it’s unfolding before my very eyes. 

The family, the business, the relationships... 

I’ve spent countless hours on my knees, crying on my floor, not just asking, but praising God for what He WOULD do (even when I did NOT see it yet). 

And today, I am just overwhelmed and truly wrecked by His love and His promises that are coming to pass. 

If you’re in a place of darkness and seeing NOTHING... do not lose hope! 

No matter how long it takes, 

Relentlessly be in prayer, and thank him for the breakthrough, you haven’t seen yet. 

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