Friday, June 21, 2019

Health and Fitness Tip #232 - Eating For Business or For Pleasure?

Eating For Business or For Pleasure?

I’ve traveled more in the past 5 years than I have in the previous thirty. The greatest blessing in running your own business is that at home or on the road my business is pleasure!

I know that’s not the case for everyone, and truth be told not everyone reading this does much traveling for biz or pleasure. They key to remember when eating on any road, and that includes while you’re driving, ๐Ÿ˜ณ is knowing “why” you’re eating, and for what outcome. 

Now, I know some of you are thinking that’s way too much thinking about food, and yet it’s exactly my point. Most people are avoiding thinking (and feeling) when they reach for a gigantor airport burrito that may be considered a third carry-on at the gate. And, though there are no statistics to back me up on this, I’m going to say more people die from complications of airport food consumption than are killed each year in plane crashes!

Here’s the major challenge when on the road - not utilizing food as a distraction or a welcomed break from whatever else you’re doing. So, here’s a little of what I’m thinking and feeling and how we can prep for the road and once we’re at our destination. 

1) Safety - Let’s get this one embedded regardless — don’t eat while you’re driving or doing other things. Despite what you tell everyone about how great you are at multi-tasking, your brain doesn’t work that way. You’re either eating or watching TV. You’re either inhaling a donut, or you’re driving. Which also means, you’re either looking at the road or at your phone. ๐Ÿคจ Eating while doing anything else is not consciously eating and is a distraction since you’re brain isn’t registering when the body is full. 

2) Think in advance - heading out for a family reunion or a biz conference, you’ll want to pack healthy snacks, and naturally, the lower the sugar content and the less carby the better. 

3) Keep a few Ketone packets available in carry-on or close by, and pack plenty for your trip. Did you know completing a full packet of ketones 30 minutes prior to any buffet increases the likelihood that the restaurant will make a ton of money off of you? Though you lose on the check you more than make up for it on your next check up!

4) Hotel perk me downs - FREE complimentary (they use those words together as if “free” wasn’t enough) continental breakfast that guarantees you won’t be ready for the day but a nap right after breakfast. Large selection of breads, pastries, fresh juices, potatoes that make me bloated just writing about them. Stick to the sausages, bacon and suspicious eggs that seem to cut like a birthday cake. 

5) Hydrate - drink plenty of water. For some of us we were just sitting in a poorly reclining chair going 550 miles per hour, 32,000 feet in the air. Drink up! And make purchasing bottled water something you do upon arrival at your destination. 

6) Did I mention drink your ketones? They will cut your cravings, support you in making smarter food choices and give you amazing energy whether you’re sitting in a conference, or by a pool while your kid says - Mommy/Daddy, watch me jump...five hundred times in a row!

7) Eat and Sleep - Not a great combo for the masses when the window between eating and sleeping is a narrow one. Look — You’re in a strange bed, pull out couch, with foreign pillows, and if your holed up in a hotel, deep in prayer that the 20/20 episode you saw on hotel blankets wasn’t filmed in your room. Support your health and your nerves by not complicating it with a recently completed meal that may have also included alcohol. Bottom line is to give yourself several hours to digest before venturing off to sleep. 

These are just a few tips. You probably have some great ones that you could share in the comments, so PLEASE do! You’re a valuable asset to our Reboot community!

Remember - Ketones daily, Reboot monthly, patience always! Next Reboot is just around the corner. Oh, and last tip and a big one —

๐Ÿ˜Ž  Start slowing down on the eating of any big meals the Friday before we start the Reboot on that Sunday. Hydrate even more, drink more ketones and let your digestive system ease right in to the Reboot verses a crash landing. 

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