Wednesday, March 25, 2015

BOD - FREE 1 Month Trial Launches today!!

EEEKKKK!!! I have some BIG and EXCITING news!!!

Have you been hearing people talk or post about BOD or Beachbody on Demand? Have you been wanting to try some of the programs that Beachbody has to offer but don’t want to invest till you know if you are going to like them?

Well Guess what?!? You are in luck!!! Starting this Wednesday March 25, 2015, you can get a FREE month of Beachbody on Demand and try out the 11 full programs that they have on their and even some sneak peak workouts of the newer programs like T25, 21 Day Fix, and even 21 Day Fix Extreme!!

You may be asking yourself what is Beachbody On Demand. Think of BOD as Netflix or Hulu but for workout programs. That means you can work out anywhere, any time, and on any mobile device, like your tablet, phone or laptop!!  You can stream a workout now, just like you can Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, Bones, etc.

Beachbody listens to its customers and Beachbody on Demand is the company’s way of making their programs more accessible and convenient and even more than that making their customers happy and able to take their health and fitness journey any and everywhere!!

Starting today March 25, 2015, the Team Beachbody Club membership now comes with a 30-day FREE trial. Everyone who signs up will have 30 days to try out all of the benefits of the Club, including Beachbody On Demand before their first quarterly billing!!! This is an amazing opportunity and great way for YOU to try out Beachbody on Demand and find a program that fits you and your lifestyle!

And Starting on April 1st, Team Fearless Dreamers will be running a FREE BOD Challenge group for the entire month of APRIL!!! This group will include health and fitness tips, insights to different programs, tips on how to save money for shakeology, and most importantly a FREE month’s membership to the Team Beachbody Club!! You will be able to check out all the programs that are on demand right now and get sneak peaks of the newest programs from Beachbody!!

Interested in getting a Free month’s worth of program sneak peaks? Email me at jgerity83@gmailcom or visit my webisite and I will get you added to my FREE April BOD Challenge Group! Or click this here and sign up for your Free account today!! 

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