Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Lindsey C.

Meet Lindsey on the left is her in Punta Cana: Nov 2013. She had just finished an online personal training program and was "pleased" with her progress. She had dropped a few pounds, but the workouts were intense- 45 minutes of cardio in the morning, followed by another 45 minutes of weights at night. It was something she KNEW she wasn't going to be able to keep up with!!

After finding out that she had hip dysplasia and going through hip recontruction surgery in Feb of 2014, she was left unable to walk for 4 months. She gained weight, lost all her muscle mass in her left side, and felt deflated.

Last August she came across a program called T25 and had to know what it was. After asking around, She knew it was something she wanted to do. She was in need of something that was doable, yet would get her back to that 128 pound mark, that she had seen before her surgery. She jumped in (the best she could while not being able to lift her leg!) and SHE hasn't stopped since. Beachbody delivered those wanted results + some for her.

Not only did she hit that 128 lb mark, but with just 30 minutes of exercise a day, she is more toned and fit than she was before surgery!!

Thanks to Beachbody she has been giving back her life!! She wasn't sure it was possible until she came across T25!!!


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