Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Steph L.

Transformation Tuesday!!!  

This is Steph and this is her transformation. She has been doing Beachbody programs and drinking shakeology for a year+ now and her transformation isn't just about losing weight! Its about her TOTAL transformation of MIND, BODY, and SOUL. When Step first started she was overweight and miserable. But now a YEAR later, Steph is TRULY happy with herself. She actually LOVES herself, which is not conceded at all. You know a lot of women struggle with loving who they are and being in their own skin. But because of shakeology, workout programs, and a community Steph has learned to be Happy and Confident and she has learned to love the journey

 Sure, she has lost all  her baby weight, which was 40ish lbs. That's AWESOME. BUT what she GAINED from her journey, her programs, her daily shakeology is so much better!!

She's gained confidence, friendships, a new sense of  herself worth, incredible knowledge of health & fitness, a sense of being, and LOVE and PASSION for helping others!! I don't know about you, but to me that is WAY better than losing weight!!!

How she feels today compared to a year ago is truly indescribable. And it has now become her job and passion to share that with others and help others feel the same way!! She wakes up every day wanting to help as many people as she can!! And if she can help just one person get to the place that she is at today, she will feel as though she has successfully done her job!!

That is the GREATEST thing about being a customer and a coach! You learn to love yourself first and then you get a burning desire to pay it forward and help others FEEL as amazing you do! Talk about rewarding in so many ways!

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