Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - MY P90X Results

So I haven't done a Transformation Tuesday in a while, but I finished P90x on Saturday and I wanted to share my results.

In the left picture my before picture is right after I finished the Ultimate Reset. And on the left is 90 days later when I finished P90x. On the left I weighed 117. On the right I weigh 127. Yes you read that right, with P90x I GAINED 10 pounds. 10 pounds of MUSCLE that is.
With P90x I continued to eat a WHOLE plant based diet! I have allowed myself a treat here and there, because the hubs, who is a football coach, liked going out and celebrating when they won, which honestly wasn't a lot this year!

Along with my eating whole plant-based foods I had to up my calories, because P90x an intense program and the workouts are longer (45-90 minutes) Also the program guide called for it! The p90x book actually said that I should be eating between 1800 - 2000 calories a day. To me that is a TON. However, I am did eat anywhere from 1400 - 1900 a day, it really just depended on the meals I had planned out for the week. But to be honest with you, my calorie count was not something I was worried about. My philosophy was if I am hungry then I will eat. Plus eating Whole Plant-Based foods makes me feel 100% better than I did when I was eating anything and everything.

So why did I continue to follow a whole plant base diet? Well, in August, I did the Ultimate reset and after doing the reset, I felt TOO good to go back to the old ways of eating. Plus this way is soooo much fun! Its always something different and my husband, LOVES the plant base diet because there is always something new to try. Which I need to be honest with you, before we did the Ultimate Rest, I got lazy and we pretty much had the same thing every night for dinner. Doing this diet, I really didn't think I would be able to continue with it or with P90x. I thought I would have to give up one or the other. But I don't! I feel great!!

Also with P90x I started using the Beachbody Performance Line. Why?!? Because this Line of products helps your body push harder, go longer, and recover faster! And guess what?!?! IT DID! I had more energy, felt great, was able to push harder, and recovered faster! This line of products is great and a supplement to invest in if you are doing HIGH intensity programs like P90x, Insanity, or are an avid weight lifter.

So I want to be honest with you. We all know the scale is the devil and we rely on it WAY too much. But we are human and I do it too. And when I finished P90x and stepped on the scale, I want you to know I cried! To see the number 127 scared me and I hated. I have always been conscience of my body weight and looks, unfortunately I grew up being told you had to be skinny and you had to be a certain size to fit in. So when I saw 127, the number scared me and me think I was back to where I started.
BUT...I know I am not. I know deep down that I am FITTER, STRONGER, and HEALTHIER than I have ever been in my life. And I know that the scale is reading muscle mass and not fat.
But its still hard to swallow when you get on the scale. Its hard to see that number and the gain. But when I look closely at my body I see where I gained the muscle, and its in my butt (its firm and round - I have never had before), my legs - which are always my biggest muscle gain, I have always had big legs but now I know they are big because of muscle and not fat, and in my arms - my upper body is the strongest it has ever been.
NO I don't have the 6 pack I wanted with this program, I didn't do the ab work like I wanted too and I had to eat more calories on this program.
So if you are out there and reading this, you don't have to do P90x, but know that programs are out there to get you results, make you stronger, fitter, and healthier, so don't be afraid to do a program becasue you don't have weight to lose, as long as you eat healthy, the amount of calories the program suggests, then you won't lose weight but gain muscle.
Also know that you are not alone when it comes to the battle with the scale. We all struggle with reminding ourselves its not abot the scale but about how our bodies feel especially when we put on our clothes. 

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