Monday, February 8, 2016

Why? Why Coaching?



 I get asked that a lot.

Why did you quit teaching? Why did you give up a full time job that had a consistent income and full salary? Why did you give up your benefits and a "good" pension?

And the biggest why is.....Why are you working from home when you don't have kids to be home with?

Why coaching?

1. I found my passion. I love health and fitness and have always worked at a gym as a second job and taught aerobics classes in college.

 2. I honestly wanted to open my own gym one day to help others get healthy.

 3. I lost my passion with teaching

 4. I was introduced to an amazing opportunity, where I could help others get healthy and fit, along with keeping myself accountable, while building a business, and reaching people all over the US!!

And as for kids, no we don't have any yet. We want them. And hopefully in the near future we will.

Rich and I both grew up with our moms being home. We didn't grow up at a daycare or at a sitters. And I don't want to miss out on my kids growing up. I want to be there to see them roll over, walk, say their first word. I want to attend their school functions as a parent and not as a teacher. My plan with teaching was to always quit once I had a kid if we would be financially stable enough. My parents struggled, but they made it work.

I am working at now building this business so that when we do have kids, we can both be there to watch them grow, an so we won't be struggling, and so that I can help other moms take the leap and become stay at home moms while still contributing to their family income.

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