Monday, August 29, 2016

Grange Fair and the Past 3 Years


This picture might not mean anything to anyone, but to me it symbols the past, the present, and the future.

3 years ago I would come down for only a day because I was teaching, school was starting, we had PD days and open house, and I just had to get my classroom ready to go.

This year, I got to come and go to the fair as I wanted. 

I grew up here and LOVE this place! It's peaceful, relaxing, and fun spending time with family.

So this year, knowing that I could come and go as I pleased, made me realize how grateful I am to have jumped, to have followed my dream, and to continue to follow my dream!

Yes, it would be easier to go back to teaching with benefits, a pension, and consistent salary, but I would be miserable, I would be unhappy, and I would be just doing it because it's safe.

Life is too short to not follow your dreams, to not make those short-term sacrifices for the long term freedom.

Thanks to coaching and Beachbody, I am able to dream BIG, I am able to follow my passion, and I am confident in knowing that this JOURNEY of coaching IS going to get me to he FREEDOM Rich and I want! 

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