Monday, August 1, 2016

Summit 2016!!

Sitting at the airport and I started thinking about my past 3 summits. And the conclusion that I came to was this.....

Summit 2016 TOPPED 2015 and 2014 by a land slide!
Summit 2014 I....
✅ Went alone
✅ had no coaches there
✅ was only an emerald coach
Summit 2015 I....
✅ went with Rich
✅ had 4 of my PS coaches there
✅ was recognized as a 3 Star Diamond coach
Summit 2016 I....
✅ went with Sam
✅ Rich showed up and Surprised us
✅ had 5 of my PS coaches there
✅ had 1 downline coach there
✅ was recognized as a 4 Star Diamond coach, a Premiere Coach, and a SC 10 LEGEND
The money and the recognition are nice. But what meant the most to me is that I had 6 of my amazing coaches by my side all week long learning, sharing, and bouncing ideas back and forth with each other.
Summit this year made me realize..... How lucky I am to have this AMAZING opportunity in my life.
To reinsure me that what I am doing is making a difference! I am not just making money. I am HELPING others change their lives. I am even helping others SAVE their lives and get healthy, fit, and off Medication!!! My team is incredible and is 1 out of 139 Coaches recognized as a PREMIERE TEAM out of 450,000+ Beachbody Coaches.
The only regret I have is not getting started sooner. I wish I knew about Beachbody and this AMAZING opportunity sooner and had the chance to ask coaches questions about it.
SO...if you want to know what coaching is all about, what I do everyday, who makes a good coach, how you can earn money and trips, and how you can join #TeamFearlessDreamers next year in New Orleans.
Then you OWE yourself the chance to check it out. Commit to yourself, to your health other, to helping others and helping yourself and your family financially too!
Don't wait any longer!! Don't wish you would have sooner!
Message me today and let me show you how amazing this opportunity truly is and how it can help you and your family in MULTIPLE WAYS!

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