Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Motivational Wednesday - The mind is what the mind is fed!

The mind is what the mind is fed!

What do you feed your mind?
Do you tell it you can't? That your not good? That it's too hard? Too impossible? 
Do you tell it you can? You will? Your are the best? It's easy? It's hard but I can over come it? It might look impossible but I will make it possible? 
Your mind is what you feed it!
Do NOT feed your mind with negative, pessimistic thoughts. Do not freed it with can'ts, won't, or impossibles.
Fill it with optimistic, positive thoughts. Fill it will cans, wills, and possibilities! 
When you fill it with belief then you will have the confidence and belief in yourself to do anything and accomplish everything you want!! 
You can do! Start feeding your mind right with the healthy thoughts! And when you feel a negative one coming one, take a deep breath and release it out! 
Like this post if you plan on feeding your mind with positivity today and everyday this month!!

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