Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

Running a marathon for life.

There is alway someone faster than you and always someone slower than you! 
All YOU can do is hang in there and put your HEART into it!! How true is this?!?
In life it is so easy to compare ourselves to everyone else. In our jobs, in our fitness journey, in our marriage, with our kids, etc.
We get so caught up in everyone else's journey that we forget about ours and about recognizing the good things that are happening!
Stop comparing yourself to everyone else! 
Put your blinders up and focus on YOUR OWN journey!! 
Focus on reaching your own goals. And make sure that you give it your all! 
When you put 100% effort in to your journey you will get 100% results! 
Stop worrying about Betty and her business or Joe and his weight loss and start JUST worrying about you and all that you want to accomplish!

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