Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - If you want to CHANGE, you have to be WILLING to be UNCOMFORTABLE!

If you want to CHANGE, you have to be WILLING to be UNCOMFORTABLE! 

Change isn't easy, it's hard!! If change was easy, we would all be doing it. 
Change is scary and a lot of times we use the excuse, why fix something that's not broken, or I don't have the time, or my kids come first or my job comes first. 
Do theses excuses sound right? Do you say these? Stop!!!
Look at change as good! It doesn't matter if you are the healthiest person on the plant or the sickest person. 
Change it up. Add variety to your life. Start living for you and become step out of your comfort zone!! 
You can do it!! 
Change is good! We all need to do it, in one aspect of our life or other!! 
Don't run from it, embrace it!!

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