Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - Start NOW! Not tomorrow.

Start NOW! Not tomorrow.

Stop pushing off what you can do today, for tomorrow! 
How many times have you said I am going to start Monday? Or next week? Or next month? Or next year? Did you? Did you start? 
When we push off what we can do today for tomorrow, tomorrow NEVER comes! 
When it comes to your health, wellness, confidence why wait? Why keep saying tomorrow or someday?
Start today! Who cares that it's Wednesday! Who cares that it's the weekend soon! Those are all excuses. They are going to happen no matter what! So why wait?!?
Start today! Workout, change something you eat to something healthier, smile, start looking for that dream job, start doing what you want! 
Just STOP waiting! There is no time like the present to start!

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