Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Do you suffer from SAD or Anxiety?

Anxiety and SAD?!?!

SOOO THANKFUL for this drink right here! 
Because it has helped me soo much this past year!
If you suffer from #ANXIETY and #SAD than you know what it’s like! 
I do or I guess I should say I did! 
However since I started drinking Ketones my anxiety is gone, no longer do I stress about driving or freak out about the weather.
And it has helped me tremendously with my SAD. Don’t get me wrong I haven’t mastered not suffering from it, but it has made for more GOOD days than bad, especially in the heart of winter. 
So yes, I am thankful for this drink, for it lifting my mood, my anxiety, giving me natural energy and so much more, especially this time of year!!  
Do you suffer from Anxiety? Or do you have seasonal affective disorder? How do you handle / deal with it? 

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