Monday, January 14, 2019

Motivational Monday - How Will you will look at today?

You can look at Monday in 2 ways:

1. It can be the start to a horrible, awful, no fun, unsuccessful, struggle of a week.
2. A fresh start, a reminder that this week you are going to be better than last week, that no matter what happens this week you are going to stay positive and not let it get to you. 
I remember waking up every Monday and being depressed and down that it was a new week. 
And guess what when I did it made for a crappy, miserable, unsuccessful week. 
The days I woke up speaking positive affirmations to myself, I ended up starting my week on the right foot, had a successful, fun, positive week!
In the end it's the choices we make at the start of the day that create the results we have at the end of the day.
It's your choice. 
How will you look at your Monday? 
How will you start your day off?

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