Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday Motivation - Trials will come

Trials will come, it is just the truth. God doesn’t want us to run from them; he wants us to embrace them when they come, because there are good things hidden in the trials of life. ðŸ’•

Darkness causes you to desire his comfort and peace. The peace of God is a treasure that becomes more valuable in the darkness. That piece makes it possible to say, I will fear no evil, because he is with me. It is soothing, like a soft and fuzzy blanket wrapped around your weary shoulders.

I think God put them there, those little twinkle angels called stars, to remind us that whenever the lights in our lives seem to go dim or even go out all together, we need not fear because treasures are there for us to find. Beautiful secrets oh wait that will only be found in the dark times of our lives.

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