Monday, April 1, 2019

What I didn't know Until It wasn't any more!

I didn’t know my brain was ‘fogged’....until it wasn’t anymore. 

I thought ‘good sleep’ was waking up sideways across the bed, rolled up in all the blankets & looking around like ‘wtf happened’....until I actually fell asleep, without taking some form of sleep inducer, AND then woke up in that  e x a c t  same position! 😴🙌

I thought my ‘squirrel brain’ was just normal....until I experienced my mind clear & focused AF! 🤓

I thought energy without pre-workout was a myth & that 2pm ‘crashes’ were just a normal thing....until I didn’t  n e e d  MULTIPLE doses of pre-workout to function anymore! ⚡️🔥

I thought I felt ‘good’....until I felt  B E T T E R! 🙏

I thought I was happy....until I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face and I wasn’t snapping at Rich every chance I got! 🙌

Truth is, I was walking around going through the motions everyday thinking it was totally ‘normal’ and I didn’t even realize it.....UNTIL I WASN’T ANYMORE!! 👊♥️

Call me crazy, say it’s bullshit, or say whatever you want that helps you sleep at night.....BUT now that I know what it’s like to TRULY LIVE, you best BELIEVE I’m gonna share that with the world!! 😎

Sooooo, I’m not sayin, I’m just sayin..... I F  you think that the restless nights, squirrel brain, pre-workout addicted, bogged down, zombie walking life is NORMAL, you’re mistaken & missing out on the amazing life that is happening around you! 💯

Me, I’ll just be over here leaning alllllll the way into ketosis & how my body was meant to ready yet?!?

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