Thursday, May 2, 2019



This week has had its highs and lows. Monday my baby turned 11 years old. I bought her in VA with my first teaching job and she has gotten me to so many places and taken me on so many journeys.
But Friday at her check up, she was pronounced to be on her last leg. 
Let’s just it was the last thing I wanted to hear let alone expected. 
This car is more than just a car to me, it represents my Independancy, me being a big girl, and it has a history.
So Friday was rough, plus I mean who wants a car payment. I was sad, disappointed, and honestly depressed. 
I know it’s just a car but buying a new one just wasn’t in my hand of cards.
But while walking in the rain on Friday, God whispered to me and said, you are healthy, safe, and blessed. Things could be so much worse. 
And he is right! I am healthy. I am safe. And I am truly blessed. I have a full time job and a side hustle that isn’t just fun but will be able to pay a new monthly car payment.
Yes it’s just a car and yes I know others have it worse, but I want you to know that you aren’t alone. We all have ups and downs and we all face life and problems differently. 
Just remember, God is with you! You just have to believe in him and trust that the path you are on is going to taking you to bigger and better things.
Though I may be a tad stressed about a new car payment and all that fun, I know that God has big plans and will provide for me as long as I continue to trust and believe and faith it till I make it!

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