Monday, May 6, 2019

What’s the best way to drink ketones???

What’s the best way to drink ketones???

A very common question to what seems like should be a very simple answer—and maybe it is, but with the confusing information all over the internet, water coolers and gyms, the most simple things can become very distorted 🤓

So take a deep breath and know that you have your hands on one of the most simple to use and most effective ketone technologies on the planet 🌎 

Keto NAT ⬇️

Fill shaker with ice. Rip open and pour in packet. Add 8-12 oz of water to flavor. Shake with serious purpose!! Consume within 20-40 min. Ketosis within an hour 🙌

Keto UP ⬇️

Remove ice cold can from cooler, crack open and enjoy that bubbly awesomeness! Consume within 20-40 min. Instant ketosis 🙌

So let’s hear it... witch one did you rock today... NAT or UP?!?!? 💫

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