Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - When nothing goes right, go left!

When nothing goes right, go left! 

If only it was that easy right?!?
It can be!!
In life, when things don't go our way or things happen that we didn't plan, we either continue on that path hoping it will get better or we stop, fall to the ground, and POUT! 
Stop! Don't do that anymore!
Instead go left. Keep going but change paths, change directions, go left and see where that takes you. 
Life is to short to be unhappy, to keep going down the wrong path, or to throw fits! 
Live life and go left! 
Next time something doesn't go your way, or a curve ball is thrown into your plans, go left. Keep a positive attitude and smile. 
See where going left can lead and enjoy the journey!

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