Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - Climb it!

Climb it!

When life throws you a mountain, CLIMB it! 
If only it was that easy right?!?
It can be!!
In life, when things don't go our way or things happen that we didn't plan, or we encounter a mountain we weren't expecting to climb, we can either climb that mountain and trusst God OR we can stop, fall to the ground, and POUT! 
WHAT?!?! Quit pouting and be a Mountain Climber!! Life isn't always going to be easy but it is always going to be WORTH it!! #HardWork
So get on your way, put your head down, and CLIMB that mountain. Get to the top and see that beautiful view God had intended for you.
Life is to short to be unhappy, to keep going down hill or staying put, or throwing fits! 
Live life and climb up! 
Next time something doesn't go your way, or a curve ball is thrown into your plans, climb that hill / mountain. Keep a positive attitude, smile, and know that Gods got you right where you are suppose to be.
Clime that mountain and see that beautiful view and while you are climbing remember enjoy the journey!

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