Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - Don't look back! Your not going that way!

Don't look back! Your not going that way!

So many times we look back to where we have been and where we are not. Instead of looking how far we have come and where we are going! 
Looking back is a waste of time! 
The only looking back can do for you is to teach you a lesson! But don't waste too much time looking back, because back is not where you are going! 
Instead look ahead. Look where you are now! Be proud of yourself! Be proud of how far you have come! 
Don't get discouraged. Remember life is a journey, not a destination! 
Keep going on your journey, learning from your mistakes, and keeping your head up and your eyes going forward! You will have ups and downs, but you have gone too far to think about going back!
Stay the course! It's all worth it!!

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