Monday, November 12, 2018

Weekend in New York with Pruvit

Weekend in New York with Pruvit

2 weekends ago I was in New York with the company that is allowing me to build a side hustle that I love.

Not only did I get to tour the Big Apple thanks to them but I got to meet some AMAZING ladies!
See when I first joined this company 8 months ago I had no clue what I was getting myself into nor did I know what it would do for.
I honestly did it to make money and get me out of the rut of living paycheck to paycheck. 
But guess what...
It not only did that, it did SO much more for me.
This past weekend I met ladies that I never would have met if it weren’t for this company and STEPPED way out of my comfort zone aka my daily routine and went with the flow all weekend.

Not only was this weekend FUN and FULL of adventure, but it was relaxing and full of positive uplifting energy!!
My biggest takeaway from this weekend...
SAY YES! Step outside of your comfort zone and just do it! Go on more adventures, spend time with strangers, and be adaptable!

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