Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Transformation Tuesday - 1 Years Difference

Transformation Tuesday - 1 Years Difference

Heading into 2019 more excited than I have been in a long time for a new year! 
Looking at where I have come to where I am today and it’s crazy to not only see it in a picture but to reflect on it and feel it.
Going into 2018 I was STRESSED, lost, unhappy, unhealthy, and scared of the future and not knowing where it was going to go and what was going to happen.
Going into 2019 and I am happy, less stressed (who doesn’t stress every once in a while), healthy, and excited for the future and where it is going to take me this year.
And this picture shows it. 1 Year apart we look happier, healthier, younger, energized, and stress free.

It’s funny but Rich kept saying to me yesterday that I was glowing. He has never told me that and I kept saying to him it was thanks to our “Better In a Cup” we have added to our daily regimen! I mean who would believe that drinking a delicious ðŸ¦„ drink every day would have you glowing and feeling the best you have ever felt! Let alone have you be down 10 pounds in 1 year where you have actually MAINTAINED IT!! 
Are you ready to make 2019 your year? 

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