Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Coach Open House

Summit 2015 TOPPED 2014 by a land slide!

 Summit 2014 I....
✅ Went alone
✅ had no coaches there
✅ was only an emerald
✅ made MAYBE $70 a week

 Summit 2015 I....
✅ went with Rich
✅ had 4 of my PS coaches there
✅ was recognized as a 3 Star Diamond
✅ made 9X the amount I was making last year

 The money and the recognition are nice. But what meant the most to me is that I had 4 of my amazing coaches by my side all week long learning, sharing, and bouncing ideas back and forth with each other.

 Summit this year made me realize.....
How lucky I am to have this AMAZING opportunity in my life.
To reinsure me that what I am doing is making a difference! I am not just making money. I am HELPING others change their lives. I am even helping others SAVE their lives and get healthy, fit, and off Medication!!!

 My team is incredible and in the top 200 out of 300,000+ Beachbody Coaches
The only regret I have is not getting started sooner. I wish I knew about Beachbody and this AMAZING opportunity sooner and had the chance to ask coaches questions about it.
SO...if you want to know what coaching is all about, what I do everyday, who makes a good coach, how you can earn money and trips, and how you can join #TeamFearlessDreamers next year in Nashville. Then you OWE yourself the chance to check it out. No pressure, no obligation, no commitment. Just a 5 Day open house group to get the answers to all the questions you have about coaching!

Email me today to start receiving a 5 Day OPEN House email giving you the inside scoop to coaching! Don't wait any longer!! Check it out and see if this opportunity is for you!!!

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