Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Karie D - Arms

Transformation Tuesday.......it's not all about bikini bodies and tight abs. With Karie its about the arms!!! She always, always hated her arms. BUT, now, since her transformation, if you ask what her favorite body part is or what she thinks has changed the most, ARMS, would be her answer, in a split second. Arms! Not stomach, not butt, not boobs, not things, ARMS!! Yes, she is very proud of them!!  And here you can see why! Just looking at these two photos, makes you say, dang, those arms have come a long way girl!!!!
Remember its your body! You get to change it how you want! If your goal is to just get healthy and fit, and you don't care about abs or butt, then that is AWESOME!!! You don't need to be skinny to be healthy!!

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