Wednesday, March 2, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps - NEWEST program!!!

22 Minute Hard Crops

Eek!! Can I tell you how excited I am to start this program!! 22 Minute Hard Corps  launched today!!!!! And I can't wait to start it after the cruise!


This program is LITERALLY 22 minutes long! And it's a BOOTCAMP style workout that takes place on military bases!

This program is 8 weeks long and will give you amazing results in just 22 minutes!!

Look at these results from Jennifer! She was in the test group and in 8 weeks she lost 9 pounds and over 11 inches!!

And yes in just as little as 22 minutes a day for 56 days!!!!

She now has more energy, is sleeping better and is so much stronger!!

And guess what?!? This program is for EVERYONE!!! Yes it's a BOOTCAMP style workout but it has modifiers! So anyone can do this program!!

So why do I think you will LOVE this program?!?

1. The meal plan is VERY simple to follow!
2. The workouts REALLY are 22 minutes!
3. You get a SANDBAG to throw around!
4. And Tony Horton kicks your butt with NEW MILITARY-INSPIRED moves!

So many times I hear the excuse of "not having enough time" to workout ... not anymore!! EVERYONE can find 22 minutes a day to workout! Wake up just a little earlier, workout while the kids are napping, or push play for a quick sweat when you get home from work.

Knowing that the workouts are only 22 minutes is something that has Rich and I very excited and motivated to #GetSome! These workouts are short, sweet and effective!!

Again just look at the results from those that have done this program!! This 22 minute program works! And I can't wait to start it!

I am forming my test group now and it is filling up fast!! I only have 10 spots open!

Want to join? Fill out this application and I will send you the link!


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