Wednesday, March 16, 2016

New Fitness Group Forming now - Sweating for Summer

I’m doing a NEW kind of fitness support group and I’m looking for 10 women who are looking to make serious changes We are DITCHING limiting believes and excuses, FOCUSING on WHY we DESERVE to feel AMAZING in our skin and committing to making ourselves a priority too!

I can’t wait to start march with YOU---feeling and looking our BEST!! Can you believe we only have 2 months till summer?!?

Heres what you’ll get:

~ Customized Meal Plan – including portion controlled containers

~ Grocery lists and recipes (FREE cookbook with over 101 APPROVED meals, snacks, sweet treats, AND weekend adult beverages!!)

~Shakeology to reduce cravings and boost energy (you pick the flavorà the SECRET WEAPON)

~ 30 minute fat blasting muscle building workouts!! SAY WHAT?!? 30 min? YES!!!

~complete schedule to follow – JUST PRESS PLAY!!!

~ Daily Support, motivation, and one on one coaching by ME!!!

~ Confidence to rock any outfit this summer without COVERING  UP!!! YES PLEASE!!!

~ Feel Amazing in those shorts! <3

~ Learn a life of BALANCE with occasional treats! Aka SANITY!!!

The first 5 women to commit will be entered into a drawing to WIN one of these AMAZING gifts featured below à

CONSISTENCY is KEY. Perfection is NOT required! <3

I’ve got TONS of FUN things here…..preworkout fuel, hats, water bottles, workout DVDS, and soo much MORE!!!

Want more info or are you READY to commit?

SEND ME AN EMAIL and I’ll send more info! Support Group begins April 4th.

First week, you’ll receive your package and nutrition guides with meal prep and cleaning out pantries over the following weekend!

SHARE this post with a friend and COMMIT together.

The BUDDY system WORKS and you CAN do anything for 30 days!

See you there!!

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