Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Transformation Tuesday - 3 Day Refresh - After the Cruise

Whoop whoop!! We did it! Day 3 of the 3 day refresh is over!! Which means the cleanse has come to a wrap!

I have been getting a lot of messages asking what the 3 day refresh really is, so let me tell you....
The 3-DAY REFRESH is part of the Beachbody supplements family. It’s an easy-to- follow low-calorie, 3-day clean eating program consisting of Shakeology for breakfast, 2 additional high- protein shakes at lunch and dinner (these 2 shakes are not shakeology shakes) supplemented with a selection of fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and a digestive/fiber drink.
It’s the perfect solution to lose a few pounds quickly, get a clean break from bad nutrition habits and feel immediately cleaner, lighter and more healthy...without starving.
Plus you can work out on this cleanse!! Not high intensity but moderate workouts are suggested!
The 3 Day Refresh is perfect for any one to do, especially after a vacation, holidays, or wanting to jumpstart back into clean eating and getting back into the workout routines.
It's easy and the 3 days fly by!
So I know you are wondering now what are the results, right?!?
Rich and I both did these and are results are completely different.
Rich LOST 7 pounds in 3 days and 1.5 inches around his stomach and waist.

I LOST 4.2 pounds in 3 day and 2 inches around my stomach and waist.

This time around was different for us. The first day I was tired, but I think that had to do with all the traveling and cruise I was just on. The second day he was tired and I felt amazing. And the 3rd day we knew it was coming to an end so I think we were both hungry more because of mentally than really truly being hungry!
This program is simply and easy and is a great way to get back on track after vacation or traveling for business. It is also a great way to jump start your fitness journey and get back into the swing of eating healthy!
Plus the extra weight loss is NICE!!! And it happens all within 3 days AND its SAFE for you to do!
Interested in trying the 3 day refresh? Email me at jgerity83@gmail.com and let get you started on your fitness journey! No better time to start than after Easter, because summer is LITERALLY around the corner!!

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