Monday, October 10, 2016

3 Years Difference all summed up in a license picture

My Past 3 years in one Picture!

This is what my Friday Morning consisted of this past week!

I totally forgot this was the year my license was to be renewed! I hate getting my picture taken so maybe that is why I forgo Haha! 

So needless to say on my birthday, I found the paper I needed to turn in. 🙈

I went Friday morning and got my license renewed and my picture taken again!

Now to remember to get it done again when it needs it! 😜

However, looking at just what 3 years time can do! It's crazy!

The oct. 2013 pic is at the VERY beginning of my Beachbody journey and the journey I took on to get fit and healthy for my wedding. 

The 2016 is 3 years in to an amazing life style change and the best career path I could have stumbled upon! Coaching has changed my life in so many ways. But the biggest one is the discipline that I have learned from it and have been able to maintain over 3 years time. 

Now my journey is about helping others and continuing to stay on a healthy path so when we start a family we pass it on to our kids. 

Do you look at your license and compare the past to the present? As much as I hate getting my picture done I love how it makes me reflect on the past 3/4 years.  I really do love looking back at the past and seeing how things have changed and how far I have come.

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