Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pumpkin for Breakfast?!?

Pumpkin Pumpkin Every Where - Breakfast Please

Pumpkin is the Theme this month with my recipes! I think I should have bought stock in it this month! haha

I am enjoying creating NEW pumpkin recipes! Ones that Rich LOVES and enjoys since he is the PUMPKIN Eater!!

These two recipes can be eaten as a snack or they make a great WEEKEND breakfast treat! And for someone that isn't a pumpkin eater they aren't bad. The scones doesn't have a STRONG pumpkin taste. The muffins on the other hand do have a stronger pumpkin taste but I think it is because its more moist!

Check them out though! Especially if you LOVE pumpkin! They go great with Coffee!

Pumpkin Scones

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

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