Thursday, January 5, 2017

Tasty Thursday - Homemade Cheez its!!

Homemade "Cheez-Its" - grain and dairy free      

Where are my Cheez it lovers?!?! Yes I am pulling out my childhood memories when I could eat gluten. I use to LOVE munching on Cheez its as an after school snack! They were seriously one of my childhood go to snacks. BUT I have not had them since 15 years ago when I was diagnosised with Celiacs!

So of course I had to get my creative juices flowing and work on creating a yummy Cheez it Cracker that not only tasted like the REAL thing but smelled like them too. I don't own square cut outs so I made them in the shape of circles. And lets just say mission ACCOMPLISHED! They SMELLED and TASTED like Cheez its!! I am addicted to them and its hard to only have a hand full! 

They are seriously SOO good!! haha 

These are a MUST try!! 

Makes 76 – Calories per Cheez it – 16

1¾ cup almond flour*
3 tbsp Nutritional Yeast
½ tsp sea salt, plus more for sprinkling on top
1 egg (or egg substitute like Powdered Egg Replacer or flax or chia egg)
1 tbsp butter or coconut oil, melted
2 tbsp lemon juice


Combine flour and salt in a bowl

In a small mixing bowl, whisk the egg with the melted coconut oil.

Combine the wets with the dries and stir until dough forms

Place the dough between two sheets of parchment paper and roll out to about ⅛ inch thickness

With a sharp knife or pizza cutter, cut dough into desired cracker size (I use a circle crinkle cookie cutter) and sprinkle the top with more sea salt

Slide the bottom piece of parchment and crackers onto a cookie sheet

Bake at 350 from 12-15 minutes until golden

The outer crackers will brown the fastest, remove those and continue to cook the remaining crackers.

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