Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Transformation Tuesday - Hard Work and Dedication

#TransformationTuesday 😱

If you want it, you're going to have to work for it. 👊🏼
This picture is NOT photoshop. There was NO dieting and NO excuses!! 
Only Progression.
These are my results. Not from 1 program. Not from a 2nd program. These are results from 3 years of a life style change. 
When I started T25 and coaching, I wondered if I would really be able to do it...would I fail? 
But, I took it a day at a time, one minute at a time, and one week at a time. 
Just 25 minutes a day. Descent nutrition. Support. Annnd, consistency....That's the key! 
I've NEVER, EVER had abs....EVER in my life. But, they are slowly emerging, and i'm excited! 
Did it happen over night? NO
Did it happen in a month? NO
Did it happen in a year? NO
It had taken me 3 years of CONSISTENCY, DISCIPLINE, and working on my nutrition. 
AND NOW....(I'm not sharing this to brag) but to show how hard work pays off. 
I mean seriously, have you seen the pic of me from 3 years ago? I now, honestly, appreciate this pic. 
So here's the thing....

🌟 Results happen when you're ready.

🌟 Results happen when you're consistent 

🌟 Results happen when you let go of your insecurities and embrace your inner #beastmode! 
It doesn't matter where you start, you just have to start. It doesn't matter when you start, you just have to decide to do it! 
We all have a story.  We choose to wake up everyday, and we choose the life we want to live. We also have the choice to make a change. A change for the better. A change for ourselves! 
You did not wake up today to be mediocre. 
👊🏼 Are you ready to take your goals and crush them?
👊🏼 Are you ready to stop worrying about what others think of you, your journey, or your progress?
👊🏼 Are you ready to embrace your inner beast?
👊🏼 Are you ready to stop settling for less than what you were created for?
If so, comment below with "I'm ready" or private message me and let's get started. 
REMEMBER, it's not going to happen just wishing for it. You have to take your wishes and turn them into actions!

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