Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Transformation Tuesday - Core De Force 60 Day Results


Picture 1=November 4th I take my Before pictures (which by the way I hate doing) for CORE De Force.
Not knowing what the next 30 days were to bring, I started an MMA style AT HOME workout.
Now 60 days later, 2 rounds of Core De Force and here are my results!!! ðŸ˜±ðŸ˜±
This program SERIOUSLY AMAZES me! ðŸ˜®
NEVER in a million years would I have thought an AT HOME workout program could give me these results! 
They are Seriously MOUTH DROPPING!!  
Yesterday I finished ROUND 2 of Core De Force which was day 60.
And these are my results! The left pic is my Day 1 photo and the right is my day 60 from Core De Force!! I can't believe my own eyes!! 
I am just so surprised at the results I am seeing!! Seriously, 3 years ago I would have told you at home workouts don't work! But I jumped into owning my own business, doing at home workouts and now with a 30 day workout I am seeing results I never thought I would see, let alone being in my 30s!  
CORE DE FORCE shaped my core and got my entire body RIPPED! 
THIS program is the REAL DEAL! CORE de Force is all about MMA style workouts using just your bodyweight! No equipment needed, and no weights have been touched since I have started!!

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