Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Motivational Wednesday - Find Joy in the Journey

Find JOY in the journey!!

The hardest part about being on a journey, new or old, isn't the unknown. Its the thoughts! The thought of not being where you think you should be. The thought of others doing better than you are. The thought of not good enough! 
Stop those thoughts, quit comparing your journey to someone else's! You are all different, you all have things going on in our life that others don't know about, you have different whys. 
Instead of comparing your journey, instead of thinking about where you should be, instead of speaking negatively to yourself, learn to ENJOY the journey! 
When you truly enjoy the journey your on, whether it be your new job journey, your business building journey, your health journey, your parenthood journey, etc, you stop comparing! You start to speak positively to yourself, you start to encourage yourself, and you become happier and happier each day! 
The journey isn't always going to be easy. You will have hard days. You will hit bumps in the road. And there will be days that you want to quit. 
BUT.....if you learn to truly enjoy the journey then the rough days, the hard days they won't see so bad and they won't last as long.
Today stop comparing your journey to someone else's and start enjoying!

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