Tuesday, September 12, 2017

#TransformationTuesday - From My First Day to My Last Day


From my first day to my last day.
Today marks the end of a era for me.
Today was my last full day at the Chiropractic office.  
I thought and prayed so hard about this decision.  
In the past year, this office has become my second home and family. They have been there for me through the tough times and the loneliness. 
This office will always have my heart, but it's time for me to move on to something different, yet at the same time very familiar.
Starting tomorrow I will become part of the @JourneyCenter. I will be working for my Mentor and working with an awesome Kiddo, doing Verbal Behavior here at the Bellefonte Office.
Change is hard for me, but I know this is the path that God wants me on and I know that I will working for him!

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