Monday, December 10, 2018

Before Ketones and Now with Ketones

BEFORE ketones..😒

..sleepy ALL the time
..toss and turn all night long 
..feeling drained 
..crappy moods
..couldn’t focus at work
..being an emotional eater
..not happy with myself
..super shy self confidence 
..high anxiety

AFTER ketones.. more naps or being tired throughout the day
..sleeping like a baby 
..wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day 
..feeling like the energizer bunny 
..being able to crush a workout 
..way better moods 
..focusing at work like a ninja
..not feeling like I need to snack 
..loving myself
..being happy with how I look 
..going out of my comfort zone
..chatting up a storm 
..feeling comfortable in my own skin 
..anxiety?!?! What’s that! 🙌🏼

So If you can relate to any of what I wrote then let’s chat! 😘

Don’t go another day feeling like I use to, especially this time of year when it’s to be the most wonderful time of year!! ♥️

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