Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - Listen to Your Heart

Listen to Your Heart

Think about what comes natural to you. What did you always dream of doing when you were young? Are you gifted in writing, music, singing, organizing, decorating, athletics, building, art, fashion, cooking, drawling, speaking, leading, teaching, nurturing, or medicine? What brings you joy and what makes you feel alive? That is a good way to identify what it is that you are called to do.

Once you turn your heart on and listen to what it is that awakens passion in you and brings joy to others, then it is important not to compare your journey to the journey of another. No one can walk your path for you, and no one else should. it is important to know that your gift will bless others, and the sooner that you realized that, the more serious you will become in pursuing your gift, talent, and dream. Someone elses blessing is waiting on the other side of your obedience. 

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