Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Inspirational Wednesday - It's not in the dreaming, It's in the doing!

It's not in the dreaming, It's in the doing!

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
You cannot dedicate yourself to pursuing your pleasures while making genuine progress in your personal growth. 

You MUST choose one or the other.
There are on shortcuts in life and the ones you do find won't take you to your goals. Successful people don't take shortcuts. Successful don't dream. Successful people DO. Successful people MAKE sacrifices and take the long road to success!

When you are starting out on a journey, especially one that's hard or a complete change from what you are use to, you will look for any short cut you can find. You will look for any excuse not to do it. You will day dream and wish for it to happen.

DON'T. Stop looking for the shortcuts in life. Stop wishing and dreaming! Stop look for every excuse in the book.
INSTEAD....Enjoy the journey, enjoy the ups and downs, learn from your mistakes and keep going.
If you are starting out on the journey of eating clean and working out, remember stick with it. Don't give up, don't look for short cuts, and keep going! You can't have your cake and eat it too. Remember why you started, whether it be to lose a few pounds, tone up, get healthy, save your life, be a role model! Whatever the reason keep it in the front of your head. You can't get to point C by skipping point B. Stick to it and you will be happy you didn't take any shortcuts.
Life isn't about how fast you get there or who gets their first. Life is a journey. 

Today enjoy your journey. Promise yourself no more shortcuts, no more excuses, no more dreaming, and no more easy way outs. Today promise yourself to take the long road, the high road to success!!

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