Thursday, September 8, 2016

New Recipes - PUMPKIN style Breakfasts!!

PUMPKIN style Breakfasts!!

Calling all Pumpkin lovers! Its that time of year where everything is pumpkin this and pumpkin that, apples this and apples that.
I must admit I am not a HUGE pumpkin fan! I love this time of year more for the apples than anything else, BUT, Rich, my hubby, LOVES pumpkin so I try to do pumpkin as much as possible. 

And these 2 recipes aren't bad! I like the muffins more than the oatmeal but that is just because I feel the muffins have less of a strong pumpkin taste. However, if you ask Rich, he LOVES them both and loves how they give him his pumpkin taste! Oh and he says the MUFFINS go great with coffee or if you do it as a desert, vanilla ice cream! haha

Paleo Pumpkin Muffins

Overnight Crockpot Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal

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