Monday, October 31, 2016


Core De Force Launches Today

Are you excited for Core de Force? Beachbody’s latest workout coming in November will bring together two super trainers, Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews, and give you the ultimate MMA workout to get you in the best shape of your life! In fact, you may recognize Joel and Jericho from Les Mills Pump! If you want to find out all about Core de Force and want to be first to get your hands on this incredible workout, keep on reading!

The Complete Core de Force Workout Review
Want to train like an MMA fighter? A Boxer? A Kickboxer? Maybe you have no desire to actually step in the ring, but you would love to look like someone that trains too! Look no further than Joel and Jericho’s incredible new workout!

Your workouts will start with a quick warm-up, followed by workouts that are structured to last three minutes. Expect to give it your all for three minutes! You will be shown the moves and combinations before you blast off, and you will love it! Your core will be engaged the entire time so get ready for incredible midsection.

As your three minutes end, get ready for the Spike Move, that will blast your heart rate and help you burn more calories all day long! If you are familiar with TurboFire HIIT workouts, or max interval training workouts, this is a very similar concept that helped me drop 55 pounds in just 90 days!

What is Included in Core De Force?
You will get 10 workouts, organized into three different types of workout focuses with Core de Force:

1.       Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai
2.       Bodyweight training for sculpting
3.       Interval Training

All workouts are 30 to 45 minutes in length, but time fly’s as you get into the punching, kicking, and other fun MMA style workout routines!

When Will Core De Force be Released?
Core de Force will be released on November 1st, 2016 exclusively through Team Beachbody Coaches. If you would like to be first to get your copy of Core de Force, simply fill in your information below! Not only will you get an email, but you will also get exclusive access to my Core de Force VIP Support group!

Can I see A Preview of Core de Force?
Want to see Core de Force in action? We thought you might. Here is a quick video, followed by some results you can expect from this MMA workout.

What Results can I expect from Core De Force

The results with Core de Force are absolutely incredible! Of course, as always your results will depend on the level of effort you put into the workouts, but check these Core de Force results out!

Core de Force Results with April

Core de Force Results with Ben

Core de Force Results with Kenny

Core de Force Results with Marsha

Core de Force Results with Roger

 Core De Force Results with Tanya

Wann Join my Core De Force Group? Click this link to get your Challenge pack and join my group today!! 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #100 - 7 Surprising Things That Will Whiten Your Teeth

No one wants to have yellow teeth, but the methods that we often use to whiten them can be dangerous. Both dental bleaching sessions and over-the-counter whitening treatments can lead to pain and other negative consequences for your smile.
The most common ingredient in dental office bleaching sessions is hydrogen peroxide, and the most common ingredient in at-home whitening treatment kits is carbamide peroxide. Many people who undergo whitening treatments with these chemicals report experiencing sensitivity, and some report experiencing intermittent extreme pain afterwards.
Other side effects of peroxide-based whitening include translucent enamel (which is sometimes permanent), uneven coloration of the teeth and irritated gums. If you have any cavities, sores or cracked teeth, you can cause yourself a lot of damage by undergoing one of these treatments.
Luckily, there are a number of natural ways to keep your pearly whites white. The following are seven which may surprise you.

1. Coconut oil
Yes, along with being extraordinary delicious and healthy as a food, coconut oil can also help whiten your teeth, and improve the condition of your teeth, gums and mouth in general. This can be accomplished through a process called oil pulling, which has been used for thousands of years.
To oil pull with coconut oil, start with one tablespoon of organic, extra virgin coconut oil. Swish the coconut oil around your mouth in the morning for 10 to 15 minutes. Next, spit out the oil (preferably not into the sink, as it can lead to clogs), and brush as you normally do, using an organic or homemade toothpaste.
If you oil pull on a regular basis, you may soon notice that your teeth are whiter. Oil pulling also has a number of health benefits for your entire body.

 2. Baking soda
If your teeth are seriously stained, and you’re looking for a whitening solution, it’s baking soda to the rescue. The process is simple: mix baking soda and water to make a thick paste, and use this paste to brush your teeth for one week. Make sure to rinse thoroughly after you brush. You’ll soon notice that your teeth look significantly whiter.
Note: Don’t brush with baking soda for longer than a week, as this may lead to damaged tooth enamel. Stick to a week, and then wait a few months before doing it again.

3. Lemons
Lemons contain citric acid and just eating them can help to remove some staining from your teeth. However, when mixed with baking soda, they can be even more effective. For a superpowered whitening treatment, mix equal parts lemon juice and baking soda, and use the mixture to brush your teeth.
As this mixture is very strong, don’t do this more than once a week, and give your teeth a break after a couple of weeks. Too much lemon juice and baking soda can have a negative effect on tooth enamel.

4. Crunchy fruits and veggies
That’s right: simply eating crunchy, fresh fruits and vegetables can help remove stains from your teeth. This is because the act of chewing them helps to remove scraps of food and bacteria from your mouth. Their crispy texture also helps to gently remove surface stains.
There are many great crunchy fruits and veggies out there, such as carrots and apples, so load up your plate with fresh produce!  

5. Strawberries
Another fruit to add to your tooth-whitening diet is the delicious strawberry. Strawberries may be one of the best fruits to munch on to whiten your teeth, thanks to their combination of vitamin C (citric acid, which helps to remove stains) and malic acid. The malic acid found in these summer fruits aids in removing surface stains from your teeth.

6. Banana peel
Gerry Curatola, a dentist based in New York, told Women’s Health Magazine:
“You can use the inside of a banana peel, which is rich in potassium, magnesium, manganese and other minerals, to whiten teeth. The rich minerals in a banana are absorbed into your enamel and have healthy whitening effects.”
Curatola recommends rubbing a piece of ripe banana peel on your teeth for two minutes after brushing and flossing, before rinsing your mouth. Who knew?

7. Activated charcoal
This may be the most bizarre one of all, but it’s true: activated charcoal may help to whiten your teeth and improve the health of your mouth. It helps to rid your teeth of bacteria and balance the pH in your mouth, thus lowering your risk of oral diseases.
One great option to try is activated coconut charcoal. To use, mix the powder with a bit of water in a cup so that it forms a paste. Apply the paste to your teeth and leave on for just under five minutes. Spit and rinse. That’s it!
Have you tried any of these natural whitening remedies? What were your results?

Thursday, October 27, 2016

BBQ Chips What?!?

BBQ Chips What?!?!

CALLING ALL BBQ CHIP LOVERES!!! Especially if you are from Central PA and LOVE #MiddlesWorth BBQ CHIP!!!!!

These BBQ cucumbers taste EXACTLY the same as Middlesworth BBQ chips!!

Yes I do or I did eat BBQ chips and when I did I ate the whole bag! Now I eat these and get the same if not more enjoyment!

If you are a chip lover and want a healthier version, then you need to check this seasoning out! #SimpleGirl Seasonings are amazing, gluten free, sugar free, and Vegan!!! 

Interested in Simple Girl products? Check out this link to their website and get 8% off your entire order!! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Motivational Uplifting!

It doesn't matter what others are doing. It ONLY matters what YOU are doing! 

Don't worry about Betty Sue next to you at work who is getting lots of recognition. Or the girl in your fitness group that lost 5 pounds in a week and you only lost 2. Or that your coworker is eating a salad for lunch and you are eating a wrap. 

Stop comparing your story, your journey, your life to others!! 

If you need to compare yourself to anyone or anything then compare yourself to who you were yesterday, last week, last month, and last year. Compete only against yourself and no one else. Don't worry about anyone but yourself and the progress you are making. 

Everyone is on there own journey. 

Everyone has their own story. Don't read theirs, read yours! 

Today make that effort to stop comparing your journey to that one person you are constantly comparing yourself to! 

STOP! Don't do it anymore!! 

Put the blinders up and only worry about you!! 

Because YOU is all that matters!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tasty Tuesday - 2 New Ways to use sweet potatoes!

2 Ways to Use Sweet Potatoes

Check out these 2 NEW ways to use sweet potatoes!! I LOVE sweet potatoes but lets be honest, they get boring after awhile if you eat them the same way! So here are 2 new ways I LOVE eating them.
The first one is waffle bites! I made small waffles out of sweet potatoes and added guac and vegan cheese to them. Talk about DELICIOUSNESS!!

The second recipe is pizza bites! Yes that is right I made pizza crust out of the sweet potatoes! Again, AHHHAMAZING!!

Make sure you try these 2 recipes they are fun for the whole family and I promise you, you won't regret making them!! 

Guacamole Waffle Bites

Sweet Potato Pizza

Monday, October 24, 2016

Halloween Candy....How to avoid it this season!

Halloween Candy.....
How do you avoid it?!?!?

Halloween Candy is seriously everywhere I go!!! I swear the reese's peanut butter cups and butterfingers are calling my name!! I didn't even buy any yet and honestly, this year I have talked my mom into not giving any out! Hold up, we will still be giving stuff out but this year we will be doing Halloween pencils and Halloween figurines that I have left over from teaching. Don't get me wrong Halloween is fun and when Rich and I have kids I will let them go out and trick or treat and eat the candy, just not all of it and it wont be around in the house for more than a few days before it gets to moving on somewhere else. I will send some of it to work with Rich to give to his players but then the rest will be put in the trash.
Will I feel guilty? Heck no!! I love to bake and will bake treats for my kids that I know are more nutritious and delicious than a Twix bar, snickers, Butterfinger, or 3 musketeer's bar. 

Now ME on the other hand. When it comes to chocolate and peanut butter sitting in front of me, I struggle to walk away. It is hard for me to not just eat it. However, I feel like crap and get very tired after I eat candy or anything with lots of sugar in it now. Why? because my body is not use to a lot of sugar. Its only use to the natural sugar I get from the fruits I eat, and even those I try to eat the ones with less sugar.   
So this year, we have no kids to bring candy home from trick or treating, I have convinced my mom not to buy it, since we are living with my parents for the time being, and instead am now making the candy out of shakeology. The shakes taste just like the candy bar but are a healthier replacement and I enjoy them more and feel amazing after. Plus they cure the sweets I have been craving!  

Most of you know that Shakeology is my go to.  The simple fact that Shakeology helps to curb my cravings has been reason enough for me.  Plus the fact that it truly tastes amazing and doesn't make me feel guilty for it!  Here are a few of my favorite Halloween Shakeology Recipe.  You might think I'm crazy and that nothing could possibly taste as good as the candy bar, but try it! I promise you won't regret it!!!!

Butterfinger Shakeology Recipe
1 Scoop of Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup of unsweetened Almond Milk
1 1/2 TBSP of Butterscotch pudding mix
1 1/2 TBSP of PB2 (or peanut butter)
Ice and Blend to Taste
4 oz almond milk
2T PB2 (or peanut butter, the more natural the healthier)
1T slivered almonds 
1T Sugar Free Caramel syrup
1 scoop chocolate shakeology.
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup almond milk, coconut milk or water
Ice to taste
Topping – 2 slivers of graham cracker and 2 tbsp of Marshmallow Fluff
Malted Peanut Butter Cup
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup skim milk (or nut or soy milk)
2 tbsp PB2
2 tbsp Malt Powder
Ice to taste

Chocolate Cake Batter
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup almond milk, coconut milk or water
1/4 pkg sugar free Jello Cheesecake pudding mix
Ice to taste

Chocolate Pistachio
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup almond milk
1/4 pkg sugar free Jello pistachio pudding mix
Ice to taste

Nuts for Chocolate
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup vanilla almond milk (or water)
1/4 pkg sugar free Jello pistachio pudding mix
1 1/2 tbsp PB2
Ice to taste

Frozen Mocha*
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup almond milk
1 tbsp instant coffee
Ice to taste

Mexican Chocolate*
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup almond milk
5 big dashes cinnamon
Ice to taste

Love Coconut? Then this recipe is for you!
Chocolate Shakeology
1 cup of cold coffee
Coconut extract ( a tiny dash)
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
Ice and blend
It is a great replacement to the toasted coconut Starbucks Mocha Frap!!!
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
1 packet or scoop of chocolate shakeology
1/3 cup water (I needed a tad bit extra)
Natural PB or almond butter
6 foil cupcake liners
Muffin Pan

Mix shakeo and water until it is consistency a little thicker than pudding
Put a small amount (prob half a Tbsp) of chocolate mixture in each liner
Then a small amount of PB (about a tsp)
Then top with rest of chocolate mixture
Put in the freezer for an hour or so to harden