Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Motivational Uplifting!

It doesn't matter what others are doing. It ONLY matters what YOU are doing! 

Don't worry about Betty Sue next to you at work who is getting lots of recognition. Or the girl in your fitness group that lost 5 pounds in a week and you only lost 2. Or that your coworker is eating a salad for lunch and you are eating a wrap. 

Stop comparing your story, your journey, your life to others!! 

If you need to compare yourself to anyone or anything then compare yourself to who you were yesterday, last week, last month, and last year. Compete only against yourself and no one else. Don't worry about anyone but yourself and the progress you are making. 

Everyone is on there own journey. 

Everyone has their own story. Don't read theirs, read yours! 

Today make that effort to stop comparing your journey to that one person you are constantly comparing yourself to! 

STOP! Don't do it anymore!! 

Put the blinders up and only worry about you!! 

Because YOU is all that matters!!

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