Friday, March 31, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #122 - 7 Foods That Make Your Pee Smell!!

7 Foods That Make Your Pee Smell (Is This Good Or Bad?)

For many of us, it may seem a little gross to talk about, but our urine can actually tell us some important things about our health and the foods we’re eating. One of the factors to pay attention to is the way urine smells — which can be related to our dietary choices. Here are a few examples.

1. Asparagus

This is probably the food most widely known for changing the way our urine smells. So how can we explain this phenomenon? Asparagus contains asparagusic acid, which the body converts into chemicals that contain sulfur. This is what causes the odor. The sulfur-containing molecules are volatile, meaning their boiling point is low enough that they can vaporize at room temperature. That means when we urinate, they convert to a gaseous state and we’re able to smell those gasses.

Some believe the odor is related to sulfur-containing fertilizers used on asparagus, as well. Moreover, it appears that some of us can smell the sulfur in our urine, while others cannot. Researchers are still trying to explain this, though it may be due to genetic factors.

2. Coffee

Have you ever had the experience of drinking coffee, then heading to the restroom only to have your urine smell — well, kind of like coffee, only stronger? Experts believe that this happens because coffee is a diuretic and it makes you need to urinate more frequently. As a result, the uric acid, chemicals and vitamins may be more concentrated in the urine, leading to a more pungent odor. Also, experts think that the insoluble oil released by coffee beans when they’re roasted may affect the odor of the urine, as well.

3. Alcohol

Like coffee, alcohol can have a dehydrating effect. This concentrates the compounds in the urine, which can sometimes impact the odor of the urine in a similar way. You may have noticed this after a night out with a few too many drinks. Yikes!

4. Garlic

Most of us are aware of the fact that eating garlic can lead to bad breath. But it can sometimes affect the odor of your urine, as well. This is the case because it contains methyl mercaptan, the same sulfur compound that causes smelly urine when we eat asparagus.

5. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are often viewed as a highly nutritious food. And that’s true! Many of us love them and others hate them with a passion. But whatever side you fall on, be aware that they can change the odor of your urine. They contain the same sulfur compound as both garlic and asparagus. It’s pretty nasty stuff — at least when it comes to smelly pee!

6. Salmon

Salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and has a number of health benefits. One of the potential downfalls, however, is that it may change the smell of your urine. This is because it contains vitamin B6. Keep in mind, this is a good thing, as the vitamin is an important part of a healthy diet. However, consuming large amounts of the vitamin may make your urine smell a little strange. Some people report having the same experience when taking vitamin B6 supplements.

7. Bananas

To many of us, bananas may seem like a pretty benign food. But, like salmon, they’re rich in vitamin B6. Therefore, they alter the odor of urine. This, of course, is more likely to happen if we eat larger amounts of bananas (or banana-containing foods) than if we simply eat a few banana slices on our oatmeal in the morning.

Is a change in urine odor a sign of health issues?

These are just a few of the foods that can impact the way our urine smells. There is significant evidence — both demonstrable and anecdotal — suggesting that many more foods have a similar effect.

So, is it a good thing or a bad thing when the smell of our urine changes? The answer is: it depends. If it is simply the result of eating asparagus, for example, then it probably has little impact on our overall health and it is not something we should be concerned about.

However, in some cases, the odor of our urine may say something more significant about the state of our health. For example, a change in odor may be a sign that you have a urinary tract infection. It’s also believed that very sweetly smelling urine may be a sign of diabetes.

What about color changes?

Beets can make your urine change color

Changes in the color of the urine may be benign. Not drinking enough water during the day, for example, can make the urine a brighter shade of yellow. Once you notice it, stay hydrated and you’ll be fine. Certain foods like beets can give the urine a dark, purplish-red appearance. This can be alarming since it resembles the color of blood. However, it’s completely harmless.

Sometimes a change in color may represent something about the state of your health.  Urine that’s consistently dark in color, for example, may be a sign of hepatitis.

Oftentimes a change in the color and odor of your urine is simply a harmless side effect of consuming certain foods. However, if the odor persists, or if you’re concerned about it, speak with a medical professional.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Party in Your P.J.'s

Have you ever thrown a party in your PJs with a glass of wine in your hand while binge watching Netflix? Or do you love having your girlfriends over to eat yummy food and drink wine?

Do you want to throw a party and get an amazing DISCOUNT on LipSense?!?! And FREE goodies?!?!

Good News!! I am looking for 5 ladies to host a party either online or in your home during the last few days of March and into April! 

I will handle the entire evening from beginning to end (if I host in your home I will bring the DESSERT), all you have to do is add your friends! 

Message me and get TWO instant hostess rewards when you book your party!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Marriage is No Fairy Tale


I seriously think #Disney needs to come out with a movie that doesn't set all us girls up for a #Flawless marriage.
#RealTalk Here....
Marriage is one of the hardest things I have ever done.
It's not all roses 🌹and puppy dogs 🐶 all the time.
Marriage takes work. It takes compromise. It takes effort. It takes communication. 👂🏼
Don't get me wrong, I would marry Rich all over again. He is the love of my life. He is my version of Prince Charming.
BUT...we both will admit, being married takes work. It's not like the fairytales you were told when you were younger or the Disney movies with the happily ever after endings. Its not always perfect and it's not always easy.
When you don't like something or you get mad at the other person, you just can't up and leave.
When the other person suffers, you can't just put up a brick wall and not feel the suffering too. 💔
When the other person wants to do something, you have to support them and encourage them, no matter what fears you feel.
Marriage is about compromise, communication, effort, learning, leaning on one another, and TRUST. 💖
This last month has been hard in the marriage department. I mean we are literally a country apart. And there are times I want to scream and run and hide, but what will that solve? Nothing.
Life isn't perfect. Rich and I don't have a perfect marriage.
BUT we have an unbreakable bond. A love and trust for each other that is stronger than the downs, the bumps, the stressors, and even stronger than scary life decisions we face.
Before I met rich I would have given up, walked away, or I would have done what I was taught, just brush it under the carpet and act like everything is perfect.
But it's not, we struggle just like others do. And the more we communicate with each other, even when it's hard to, the closer we get and the easier it is to face the road ahead of us.
And because of distance that separates us now, we have decided to do a book study about marriage! It's been the best $16 #Counseling session for us. We listen to what each of us has to say and then we work on it. It's not going to be perfect over night, but I am sure glad he agreed to reading this book with me! 😘💄💋
#ListsToLiveBy #MarriageisHardButWorthIt #LungesLipstick

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Beauty Tip Tuesday - LipSense

LipSense lip color – Sense Cosmetics from SeneGence

These BEAUTY TIPS will make you look your very best wearing long lasting lipstick, lip color, waterproof eye makeup and semi permanent cosmetics.

LipSense® is the premier long lasting lipstick – lipcolor product for SeneGence™. This liquid lip color is an amazing departure from conventional lipsticks and lip colors found on the market today, and it comes in 32 incredible shades. These shades include 23 attractive classic colors, 3 illuminating highlighters, and 6 brilliant, irresistible shimmers to catch their eye when you walk into any room.

LipSense® long lasting lip color can last anywhere between 6 and 18 hours depending on your individual body chemistry, the way it is applied, and on certain medications that reduce its longevity. By using a layering method to application, along with lip lining, many different hues and tones are possible by blending colors. The result is the perfect looking lips for your skin tone and hair color given any occasion, formal or casual. Get lasting value- a tube will last 4 to 6 months, and your attractiveness lasts all day long, every day!

The liquid lip colors are made of pigments so shake well before each application. This highly unique, long lasting color pigment does not contain wax, moisturizers, or emulsifiers. When the color is applied, it will set on the lips. The moisturizing glosses, which contain shea butter, penetrate the color pigment and the lip tissue without lifting the color. This provides enriched hydration to the lips and enhances the long lasting effects of the color.

For best results (greatest staying power), LipSense® products must be applied to clean, dry lips, using a layering technique. Follow the natural shape of the lips, starting at the corner of the mouth. With one continual stroke, apply one layer of color to the bottom lip, then one layer of color to the top lip. (If your lips are dry, you may experience a slight tingling sensation at first application for a few days.) Let it dry completely before proceeding to the next layer. It is not recommended to apply more than three layers of color and between each layer of color, do not press your lips together. Once you have applied the moisturizer to the final layer, the color is sealed, and any tingling should subside. You’re ready for the day in the office or a night on the town!

For a more defined, finished look, we suggest using LinerSense® before applying the lip color. LinerSense® is a beautiful liquid lip liner available in four colors (light, neutral, dark, and brown) that blend with all the LipSense® color hues for either a subtle or dramatic look. When combining the two products, it gives the illusion of fuller lips. If you have thin lips, lining the middle of the lips heavier than toward the corners accentuates the lips to make them appear fuller. As we age, we lose our pigment and the look of full lips. With the LipSense® products, because they don’t bleed into wrinkles, you can apply your lip color to regain your original lip line and a clean appearance of fuller lips.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Do you feel like there is no way up?!?


2 months ago I felt the same way. I was stressed beyond stress, on a TIGHT budget and worrying if we would make it to the next month, just being able to afford groceries, let alone our bills.
2016 had a lot happen to us, a lot of changes, a lot of risks, and our lives took a turn that we didn't see coming.  There was no spending money on fun things, like clothes or going out to dinner on date.

2016 really forced Rich and I to learn to live differently. It helped us appreciate things we used to take for a going out on a date. 🥂
So if you feel this way, know that it's not going to last. I want to give you hope. 2 months ago I was stuck, I was facing a fork in the road with my future and my business. 
And instead of staying stuck, instead of sticking with what was comfortable, with what I knew how to do, even if it wasn't working, I took a leap of faith! I prayed, I questioned God, but I in the end I listened and followed the path he was showing me.
And this weekend I surpassed what I made last month in my New Business! Say WHAT?!? Yes, it's half way through the month and I already made MORE than I did last month!
So, I want you to know, if you are feeling stuck...
TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH! JUMP NOW AND QUESTION LATER! Instead of telling yourself you can't, tell yourself you CAN and WILL!
You aren't rooted down to this life, you CAN MOVE.
It's going to take for you to STEP outside of your COMFORT ZONE. 
It's going to take for you to have a little faith.
And it might not be something you would have ever thought you would do.
But KNOW that no matter what, you do NOT have to SETTLE. You do NOT have to keep going with the life you have right now. You do NOT have to stay STUCK. 
If you're not happy with your life, then guess what, it's time to make a change! 
Trust God, JUMP now, QUESTION later, and hustle with all your heart! 
**SeneGence does not guarantee any level of success. Your income is a direct reflection of your efforts and skills. 
Want to learn more about the jump I made? Let's chat because my team is growing and we are moving to the TOP!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #121 - 13 Strange Green Foods Everyone Should Eat

When I think of the color green, my mind conjures up images of weird or unappetizing things. Slime. Goo. Aliens. A person’s face before they’re about to puke. None of which are the least bit appetizing, nor healthy.

But in the world of food, green is definitely a good thing. Green vegetables, fruits and other weird and wonderful produce symbolizes everything that is nutritious about naturally-grown, unprocessed food. Green foods are often a powerhouse of vitamins, nutrients and minerals, providing our bodies with the nutrients they need to achieve new heights of awesomeness. Without a little green in our lives, we’d be seriously lacking in some important nutritional and genetic building blocks.

1. Spirulina

Spirulina is a truly weird but wonderful superfood. The product of a freshwater blue-green algae grown under specific conditions, this green powder is now one of the most researched health foods today. Spirulina has a wide range of proven health benefits, including heavy metal detoxification, cancer prevention and cardiovascular support.

A 2012 study published in the Journal de Mycologie Medicale found that mice diagnosed with candida, a type of fungal overgrowth that we humans also suffer from, showed significant improvements in their condition after being treated with spirulina. Another 2012 study, this time published in the Journal of Applied Phycology, discovered that spirulina may in fact improve the symptoms of patients suffering from HIV/AIDS.

The spirulina health benefits go on and on. Reduced cholesterol, lowered risk of stroke, greater energy, weight loss and even allergy relief. Pretty darn impressive, for some powdered green algae!


Like spirulina, chlorella is a single-celled micro-algae. It’s also green and a bit weird. Interestingly, chlorella is one of the most popular supplements in Japan, with over 10 million people using it on a regular basis. And those Japanese just might be onto something. This potent green powder has been shown to be at least as powerful as spirulina in treating a wide range of health problems. These include immune system support, improved digestion and reduction in constipation. There’s also improved brain activity and focus, elevated energy levels, lowering blood pressure, regulating blood sugar and lowering risk of developing cancer.

Probably the most important health benefit of chlorella, however, is its ability to detoxify the body. This algae’s detoxification abilities stem from its rich concentration of chlorophyll, which aids in a range of toxin eliminating functions. These include greater oxygen bioavailability, cleansing of the bowels, liver and blood, promoting optimal blood pressure and eliminating molds from the body.

3. Avocado

Over the past couple of decades, you’ve probably grown to love avocados. They’re absolutely delicious and amazingly versatile. Because they’ve become such a staple to the mainstream American diet, you’ve also probably stopped thinking of them as weird. But if you think back to when you first encountered your first avocado, you can probably agree that it was a little unnerving. They contain strange bumpy alien-like skin on the outside, bright green, almost vivid flesh, then a large, perfectly round pit in the middle. If there’s such a thing as aliens, I can certainly picture them eating foods that look like avocados!

Beyond the weirdness, avocados are unarguably one of the most nutritious foods on earth. They’re rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, low in carbs and contain high levels of vitamin K, folate, vitamin C, potassium, vitamins B5, vitamin B6 and vitamin E. Turns out that guacamole isn’t just a tasty treat after all.

4. Rapini

The Italians, French and Portuguese might not consider rapini to be a strange green food, but most Americans probably would. Our European counterparts have been using this vegetable, also known as broccoli rabe, for hundreds of years. Here, it only occasionally makes an appearance on supermarket shelves. Rapini contains all of the beneficial nutrients that broccoli provides, including vitamin A and vitamin B6. This green vegetable has been associated with a wide range of benefits, including reduced risk of colon cancer and prevention of stroke.

5. Guava

Guavas look like a cross between a weird-looking apple and a lime, placing them comfortably in the “weird green foods” group. This fruit contains a wide range of nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and copper. It’s also a great source of dietary fiber. These nutrients make guava a great choice for naturally lowering your risk of cancer, improving your eye health, hydrating your skin, lowering risk of diabetes and fighting constipation.

Marine phytoplankton

Marine phytoplankton might just take the cake when it comes to truly strange, truly healthy superfoods. Phytoplankton are neither plants nor animals, belonging to a group of single-celled microorganisms called protists. Aside from being classified as the most important organisms in the world, marine phytoplankton are a nutrient and antioxidant powerhouse. Scientists continue to be amazed by this all-important life form. They have so far uncovered hundreds of nutritional compounds in this green powder… including every known nutritional molecule!

Aside from replenishing a whole host of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your body, phytoplankton provide a wide range of other great health benefits. These include detoxification, improved mood and energy, liver support, cellular regeneration and elevated methylation. Not bad for a single-celled organism!

7. Artichoke

Few people would argue with me when I say that artichokes are just a little bit weird. They also make a great dip, taste amazing on pizzas and can even be used in baked dishes. But where artichokes really perform is with regards to your health. They contain a wide range of important nutrients, including quercetin, which wards off cancer. They also contain silymarin, which may assist in liver tissue regeneration. Artichokes also contain rutin, a natural compound that promotes cardiovascular health.

8. Kohlrabi

This hardy, annual vegetable is typically consumed in Germanic countries. It is otherwise known as turnip cabbage or German turnip. It’s more than a little strange to look at, but it has bucketloads of proven health benefits. These include improved digestion, weight loss, cancer protection, immune system support, metabolism regulation, increased circulation, improved bone density and improved eye health. Kohlrabi is also rich in potassium, copper, manganese, iron, calcium, B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin A.

9. Asparagus

Once considered a delicacy, asparagus is now a regular on supermarket shelves. This curious vegetable is highly anti-inflammatory, containing a number of powerful compounds that significantly reduce inflammation in the body. These include asparanin A, sarsasapogenin, protodioscin and diosgenin.

Added to this are the high levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E in asparagus. These three work together to prevent the oxidative damage of free radicals in your body, slowing the process of aging and lowering your risk of developing cancer.

10. Purslane

The average gardener probably has a personal vendetta against purslane, which just so happens to be a common weed. It’s also an amazingly nutritious, edible vegetable that’s native to India but found in backyards around the world. Purslane has been shown to exhibit neuroprotective effects on the human brain. Researchers in one study found that purslane supplementation in rats resulted in higher brain activity, lower levels of stress and anxiety, and improved learning and memory abilities. Purslane can also fight the development of cancerous tumors and protect your liver from everyday wear and tear.

11. Okra

Also known as “ladies’ fingers” and “gumbo,” it’s immediately apparent that this green vegetable has its fair share of strange. Looking like a cross between a bean pod and zucchini, okra contains plenty of vitamins A, B, C, E and K. It also contains significant concentrations of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc. These nutrients make okra an effective way to naturally treat high cholesterol, digestive problems, the risk of cancer, high blood pressure and more.

12. Dandelion Greens

Similar to purslane, dandelions are almost universally hated by most gardeners as highly persistent weeds. Also similar to purslane, dandelion leaves are one seriously nutritious weed. Dandelions contain plenty of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and calcium. They are associated with improved bone health, improved liver function, lower risk of diabetes and healthy skin.

Beet greens

This ultra-healthy green vegetable is weird not because of the variety, but because of the part of the vegetable that’s used. Everyone has probably chomped into a beet bulb (otherwise known as beetroot) at some point in their lives. But I’d bet my mustard greens that very few people have thought to use the bright green leaves attached to their beet bulbs.

It turns out these leaves are actually highly nutritious, containing over seven times your daily recommendation for vitamin K (you’ll never get enough of this important macronutrient), 40 percent of your copper RDA and 15 percent of your iron RDA. So next time you buy your beets with leaves intact, think twice before you throw away the green bits!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

OMG!! Someone PINCH me please!!

OMG!! Someone PINCH me please!!

I can't believe how #LipSense and God has blessed my life these past 2 months!! Especially yesterday! 
I mean, it's lipstick right?!?! What's the big deal?!?
Let me tell you....💋
2 months ago on a snow day like yesterday, I would have been STRESSED beyond stressed because I wouldn't be getting paid, because I work at a job that is hourly. We all know you need to work to make money! 
But with #LipSense, I am no longer worried! I am making an income beyond my wildest dreams! And I am having fun while doing it! PLUS yesterday, just one day, I was able to pay for BOTH of my student loans!! Yes, in just one day, I made enough to pay those yucky billls! 😜
And now, today, I am thanking God for pushing me out of my comfort zone and not giving up on me when I questioned him. 
If you are considering doing this, Jump now!! I promise you, you won't regret it and your bank account / bills / family will thank you for it!! 😉
And remember all you have to do is look / act Confident and you can PULL anything off even building a lipstick business from the ground up!! 😘💄💋

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Consistency its NOT about Perfection!

Consistency is NOT perfection. It is simply REFUSING to give up!!

We are all human. 
Not one of us is perfect. I know I'm not! 
Are you?
When we talk about being consistent with our clean eating, our workouts, our attitude, our full time job, etc we think perfection. 
Well guess what!?!?
I am here to tell you that consistency DOESNT equal perfection. 
We can try very hard to be consistent but life will happen and we will have a day that we miss or mess up or just need a break from reality! 
And that is okay!! 
It's how you handle those missed days and mess ups next that defines consistency!
Consistency is REFUSING to give up!! 
If you have a bad day it's OKAY! 
Just don't give up, don't have 2, 5, 10 bad days in a row. Brush off the mistakes or mess ups and jump back on the track right away and keep going!! 
Consistency is the secret to success! 
So keep being consistent and keep going whether you fall down or trip. You aren't perfect.
This is a journey not a destination that you are on. You can do it!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Beauty Tip Tuesday - Night Pak From Senegence

Amazing New Anti-Aging Results!

Oh My… I am so EXCITED about the Night Pak from SeneGence that I’ve been geeking out and reading everything I can about collagen and what it does or doesn’t for our skin. So if you want to geek out with me, read on!

Only our skin, meaning mammal skin, can make collagen in the deepest layers. Collagen is a topical treatment unless your own skin produces it. Topically applied collagen will help lock moisture into the skin.

Night Pak by SeneGence and other “legit” collagen products should be applied at night, when the skin is at rest and thus the collagen can protect and promote your skin’s elasticity. When you wash the product off, you are removing the collagen ingredient.

As we age, our natural ability to make our own collagen decreases, thus the frenzied marketing about the ingredient. We all need it, but how do we get more of these important building blocks of youthful skin?  You can’t drink it or take supplements that give you collagen; the digestive system breaks it down and it doesn’t help the skin. However a diet rich in Omega-3 has been proven to help promote your body’s collagen production.

There are three different approaches in skincare to promote collagen production:

Scrubs— referred to as a scrub because it “exercises” your skin. Increased blood flow to the skin does help cell renewal. This is why facials are beneficial. I promote gentle loving on your face (without a washcloth) every night. A gentle, circular motion with your fingertips will increase circulation.

Retinol/Vitamin A derivative, often called Retin-A – this stops the forward march of collagen degradation and promotes collagen production. In independent clinical labs, our skincare products with SenePlex Complex promotes collagen synthesis by 168%, which is 166% more than Retinol and 158% more than Lactic Acid! Yay super cool!

Fillers offer fabulous, quick and visible results, but they break down the lower levels of your skin over time, causing permanent damage.
Here are some of the amazing facts about SeneGence Night Pak:

Most collagens are animal-based. Ours is not! It is plant-based marine collagen. The marine-based collagen is very rare. The swirls in the product are the SenePlex.

Night Pak strengthens your skin’s natural collagen matrix. SeneGence Night Pak has layered collagen to fill in those creases, lines and wrinkles with a marine-based collagen, not animal-based.

Night Pak is layered with SenePlex, which increases cell renewal by 23.3%. SenePlex Complex has been scientifically proven in a lab and on thousands of women. It is broken down molecularly so it can penetrate into your skin and offer results like 55.7% reduction of wrinkles!

As always, SeneGence products are a better value than the competition when you look at our ingredients, scientific results and how long the products last— we really are in a league of our own!

Most women just want to know: does it work? Yes it does!

All of our skincare lasts over 6 months. So why am I excited about a product that only lasts 2 months? I’m so proud about the price point. Although it’s more than our other products, it’s so much less than similar products on the market. In my research I couldn’t find any other product with marine collagen for less than $110 a month – and of course none of those have SenePlex. Night Pak is only $42.50 a month! When you decide to subscribe to auto ship (you won’t want to run out of this!) you will get free shipping and you will get a FREE bottle every year!

Monday, March 20, 2017

#BossChick, #GlossBoss, Lipstick what?!?

#BossChick, #GlossBoss, Lipstick what?!?

Last month I stood at the crossroads of my business. Filled with doubt in the face of daunting circumstances, I lost passion, drive, and our finances were in a very bad place.
But I had a big vision and God had a new path for my vision. I knew my old business was coming to an end and it scared me. I was comfortable, I had a routine down, but i was going no where and change needed to happen.
So when a new business opportunity came to me and God continued to bring it up in my dreams and thoughts throughout the day, I had to jump! Jump now and figure it out later was going to have to be my motto.
I had no experience with makeup let alone how to promote it and sell it. I definitely had no start up capital. 
I did have a VISION and a major PURPOSE! 
It was my husband and my BURNING desire to live the life not only we want, but the life that God wants us to live.
And that purpose along with God's will is what made me jump. And I am glad I did!
2 months ago I was worried about our finances and how we were going to pay for food, let alone our bills and rent. I was scared, no I was beyond scared, I was frightened. 
Now, I am not. It's amazing what one month of this business has done not only for me and my confidence, but for our finances. I am no longer scared. I am actually excited! Excited to continue on this amazing LipSense journey, excited to continue to follow Gods path, and excited for Rich and I to continue to follow our dreams and start living again without fear of the unknown! 
Whatever you are thinking about doing, do it! Jump now, figure out later! 
I did it and am so glad I did!
Don't let fear old you back.