Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Marriage is No Fairy Tale


I seriously think #Disney needs to come out with a movie that doesn't set all us girls up for a #Flawless marriage.
#RealTalk Here....
Marriage is one of the hardest things I have ever done.
It's not all roses 🌹and puppy dogs 🐶 all the time.
Marriage takes work. It takes compromise. It takes effort. It takes communication. 👂🏼
Don't get me wrong, I would marry Rich all over again. He is the love of my life. He is my version of Prince Charming.
BUT...we both will admit, being married takes work. It's not like the fairytales you were told when you were younger or the Disney movies with the happily ever after endings. Its not always perfect and it's not always easy.
When you don't like something or you get mad at the other person, you just can't up and leave.
When the other person suffers, you can't just put up a brick wall and not feel the suffering too. 💔
When the other person wants to do something, you have to support them and encourage them, no matter what fears you feel.
Marriage is about compromise, communication, effort, learning, leaning on one another, and TRUST. 💖
This last month has been hard in the marriage department. I mean we are literally a country apart. And there are times I want to scream and run and hide, but what will that solve? Nothing.
Life isn't perfect. Rich and I don't have a perfect marriage.
BUT we have an unbreakable bond. A love and trust for each other that is stronger than the downs, the bumps, the stressors, and even stronger than scary life decisions we face.
Before I met rich I would have given up, walked away, or I would have done what I was taught, just brush it under the carpet and act like everything is perfect.
But it's not, we struggle just like others do. And the more we communicate with each other, even when it's hard to, the closer we get and the easier it is to face the road ahead of us.
And because of distance that separates us now, we have decided to do a book study about marriage! It's been the best $16 #Counseling session for us. We listen to what each of us has to say and then we work on it. It's not going to be perfect over night, but I am sure glad he agreed to reading this book with me! 😘💄💋
#ListsToLiveBy #MarriageisHardButWorthIt #LungesLipstick

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